miércoles, abril 01, 2020
Celia Fenn - This is time for us to access our own Golden Heart energy and to shine with Compassion and Love - April 1, 2020
On this 5th day of Lockdown I am feeling tremendous energy moving in the Crown Chakra and above. There are indeed powerful spiritual energies moving around our planet right now.
The message I keep getting from Archangel Michael and my guidance, is that at this time of chaos and disruption we need to really connect with the Heart Chakra and the Heart center.
This is our center and the place from where we need to operate at this time.
When we respond to events and people, let it be from the Heart and not just the Emotions.
The Heart is the seat of Higher Consciousness and Higher Feelings, most especially Compassion and Kindness. At this time let us truly feel for our fellow humans and understand their fears and angers. As we access the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness, let us embody the model set for us by such Masters as Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Kwan Yin and the Buddha, amongst others.
This is time for us to access our own Golden Heart energy and to shine with Compassion and Love.
There is nothing wrong with emotions as an energy of the lower chakras, and it is an important part of being human on Earth. But it is also important to balance our emotions with our Higher Heart energies and ensure that Feelings and Emotions are in harmony and in synch, and that we are not at war with ourselves.
Be kind to everyone, as only a Master can be. Don't rush to judgment even if people appear to be behaving strangely or saying strange things. It is a difficult time, and some people are finding the new time energies hard to assimilate. They need to rush around and spin stories in order to cope with the anxiety they are feeling on deep levels.
Be kind and be loving and let them find their own pace in this time of change and transformation.
And if you are fearful at times, be kind to yourself and love yourself and nurture yourself and forgive yourself.
Remember we were born for this time and we have the strength to move through this challenge with grace because we know that the New Earth is rising and the New Earth timeline is becoming manifest slowly and beautifully.
I love you all!
Have a Peace-Filled Day!
Ángeles de Crystal