
viernes, abril 24, 2020

Celia Fenn - Lightworker fatigue - April 24, 2020

Well its Spring in the North and this is a beautiful kitty to brighten your day!

But I wanted to talk about a subject that is coming up for many people now.....Lightworker fatigue.

Many people are reporting feeling tired to the point of exhaustion, feeling lethargic and wanting to sleep all the time.

This is probably a normal response to the stress and anxiety "out there", especially for those of us who are empathic and do feel the heaviness of the fear miasm that hangs so heavily over our planet right now.

An illness, epidemic or "pandemic" generates its own Miasm or "Thought Form" in the Mental aspects of the collective field. It creates fear to the point of irrational hysteria, and when we connect with that thought form we can be pulled into this mental field that can be so strong that we are overwhelmed with the heavy energy. Then our Higher Self/Soul has to work very hard with our Angelic and Galactic aspects to release and clear these energies.

Some of us are releasing and clearing in our sleep states at night anyway as part of our service to Humanity at this time.

So, my advice would be to take very good care of yourself and sleep when you need to. Eat good food and keep up a good Spiritual practice including meditation and gratitude work. Ask your Angels/Angelic aspects to protect you in an energetic sphere of Light as you go about your day and when you sleep at night.

And, avoid being "sucked" into the disease "though form" by avoiding too much time on social media and news media in general. Stay informed, but limit interaction and "mindless scrolling".

Spend your time on positive and creative activities that generate peace and contentment.

And if you are one the lightworkers who is being pushed to the next level to work with the awakeners, don't overdo it......there is plenty of time and you don't have to do it all now!

Stay Calm, stay clear and radiate the light that you Are!

Much love to everyone!