
lunes, abril 06, 2020

Benjamin Fulford - Global System Collapse and Mass Arrests Proceeding; Reset Inevitable - April 6, 2020

By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports

The use of the pandemic or “infodemic” to collapse the current world power structure is proceeding smoothly, many sources agree. There are multiple reports of mass arrests of elites. Some of these can be confirmed by news reports of leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson being confined “because of coronavirus infection.” 



The world is also about to find out that Angela Merkel is Adolf Hitler’s daughter. The Italians, who have just broken free of German (EU) control sent us a copy of the only known picture of Hitler with his daughter Angela. The message reads, “and when you grow up Angela, destroy all of Europe.”

Also, the White Dragon Society has contacted the U.S. Naval Base at Yokosuka, Japan to file war crimes charges against puppet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for his role in the Fukushima mass murder and other crimes. Multiple, credible witnesses – including two former Prime Ministers – will ensure a guilty verdict. This has been made possible by the removal (at last) of top cabal agents in Japan like Richard Armitage and Michael Greenberg, Pentagon and CIA sources say. Abe, unlike his war criminal grandfather Kishi Nobosuke, will not escape justice. As the Japanese say: “Zama Miro.”

CIA sources in Asia confirmed this noting:

“The man in charge in Japan is on the list to be picked up during this round. The official story will be that he has tested positive for CV and is in self-quarantine. This is the code word being used once these satanic occult members are apprehended.“

Meanwhile inside the U.S. ”it’s almost a certainty there will be a civil war and many will die,” CIA sources predict.

Here is what Pentagon sources had to say about the ongoing military campaign against the Satanic Khazarian mafia in the U.S.:

“As cabal underground bases are destroyed in Utah, New York, Idaho, California, and elsewhere…rescued children are getting aboard the Comfort and Mercy hospital ships, protected by marines.”

(For those of you still unaware of the underground base combat going on please take a look at this 29-minute video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5cUsNTr4Yw&feature=youtu.be)

Medical martial law is taking shape as [U.S. President Donald] Trump called up one million reserves and recent military retirees to active duty. War is being declared on Mexican drug cartels, 5G networks have been turned off, FEMA is under military control, and the Pentagon Inspector General is overseeing $2 trillion coronavirus aid.

Also, as 170,000 indictments are unsealed with mass arrests, there will be blood with casualties from military operations’ “suicides”, and adrenochrome withdrawal.

The still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple will be shocked to learn that the over 40,000 children who vanish in the U.S. each year (FBI statistics) were being tortured to death by the elite in order to harvest a form of adrenalin known as adrenochrome. The fact you can now read about adrenochrome on Wikipedia is a sign that things really are changing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome

The Khazarian mafia is not giving up without a fight. The WDS received the following message from them last week:

“We have been ruling this planet for thousands of years and we will destroy it rather than give it up.”

However, rest assured the WDS has been stopping and will continue to stop their attempts to destroy the planet.

The latest gambit they have been using it to try to trigger a war between the U.S. and China by telling the Americans it was the Chinese who triggered the “pandemic,” and telling the Chinese it was the Americans who did it.

The big meme they are pushing in the West is that “All Trails Lead Back to the Wuhan Bio-Lab.”


In fact, the outbreak in China can be traced to the Wuxi Pharmaceutical corporation in Wuhan, China. But here is the interesting part, guess who owns Wuxi? It is…

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