
miércoles, abril 22, 2020

Anrita Melchizedek - The 12 Pleiadian activated 5D Gamma Rays and Liquid Light Plasma Portals Telewebinar - April 22, 2020

 Beloved hearts,

Today is another powerful 444-portal activation day (04-22-2020). The high frequency gamma ray energy and liquid light plasma that spirals forth through these celestial gateways deepens the frequency of what the number 444 represents as well as our ability to connect to the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High and our Beloved I Am Presence. Additionally, these portal frequencies spiral onto this sacred earth and into
Mother Earth’s primary vortices, as well as into our bodies and cells, bringing with it cellular rejuvenation, and DNA and Light Body upgrades. This is turn takes us ever deeper into alignment to our original Divine Blueprints as the Flames of Divinity We Are.

444 brings a clear sense of new beginnings, direction and purpose to our Light work as we release the old and make way for the new. Indeed, this is happening on a global level as all Life shifts into the next level of their Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light. We take a moment to deepen into this Celestial gateway, breathing in Love and breathing out Love as you now state:

I breathe deep into my body,

seeing my lower abdomen inflate and then relax,

breathing in and breathing out.

I start to feel very relaxed and peaceful,

hearing the beautiful thoughts of God, and hearing all the thoughts,

feeling the energies of my brothers and sisters of the light,

all these beautiful beings I acknowledge,

just joining me here as I deepen into the Flame of Love within my Loving Heart.

Breathing in Love and breathing out Love.

In this space of One Love,

I connect into this celestial gateway of Divine Love.

I find myself moving deeper and deeper into the joy of my loving heart

and deeper and deeper into the energy of the Divine Mother as the Magical Muse,

as the lover, as the healer, as the artist, the poet, the reader, the writer,

bringing into my heart all I need in this Now

to take myself to the next level of my service work,

of my soul’s blossoming and magnificence,

as a way shower and physical vessel of Light upon this sacred earth.

I am this open heart in this Golden Age of Light

creating the pathways of Divine Love for myself and others.

I know that in my own life I am deepening into harmony and abundance and joy and trust,

into new beginnings and pathways of synchronicities

knowing that these abounding synchronicities activate and amplify within my heart,

as I deepen into the Path of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose.

I know that each unique experience I have takes me deeper into loving myself

as I embrace all that arises.

This is a gift that the Universe gives to me.

This is a gift that I give to myself.

I can release judgments of myself and others.

I can embrace the little voice within myself

that sometimes feels unseen or unloved through my loving heart,

through my joy, through my innocence,

through my Love.

I now have a sense of my Diamond Plasma Crystalline Lightbody,

As I merge now with my Beloved I Am Presence,

All is One and all is Light,

 As this beautiful diamond Flame now moves into every sub-atomic particle of my body

rejuvenating, regenerating, healing, igniting in Light.

I breathe in Light,

I breathe out Light.

I have a sense of the crystals in my body,

 as every body part, organ, cell and particle is purified,

as every gland, organ, molecule, body part is being rejuvenated,

recalibrated, reconfigured

so I can hold the deepest levels of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness,

the deepest levels of my Beingness

held within my physical body,

anchoring new Light Codes,

anchoring Heaven on Earth,

anchoring the Templates of the New Earth.

Through the radiance of my own Light I feel my vibrating energy

as a stargate of Divine Love.

I live in this space of No Time, of Timelessness,

Having all the time in the world to do what I need to.

I dream my reality into existence,

Living in this ever present Now moment,

In the eternal Divine Light of Mother-Father God through my Loving Heart.

Breathing in Love, breathing out Love. 

Breathing in Love, breathing out Love.

I am a guardian of the New Earth,

creating my stargate, quantum super-consciousness,

merging into my Avatar Oversoul Monadic embodiments of Light,

as purity, as Love,

in unity, community and conscious communication.

I express my Divinity consciously in every thought, word and action.

And now, as I gently open my eyes,

 looking through my Master Eyes at all of life around me,

I say to myself or out aloud:

“I Love you,” giving my full name now, “I Love you. I Love you.”
