viernes, marzo 27, 2020
L’Aura Pleiadian - Day 8 ~ IF The Body LIVES Through This - Mar 27, 2020
If the body lives through this, you were meant to still be here.
If my body lives through this, then I was meant to be here and stay here.
The greatest thing you can do for yourself and others is number ONE ~ be in your Heart.
Also of course practice social distancing. We just have to look at Italy or NY; the US being the new epicentre for the COVID-19 that this spreads easily. ANYONE can get this and the body can cross over through this.
These are MONUMENTAL times also revealing the end of a society as we knew it. ALL the world is impacted potentially in the SAME WAY. THERE are no barriers or borders as far as what is taking place. This is world wide; as IF ~ one large group of people going through this.
The more we make borders or assume we are too good to get this, reality strikes even harder to the fact, this is ALL of humanity. All Beings are the same in that they are ALL BEINGS ON EARTH.
The Earth program of course recognizes the uniqueness of each being.
IT also recognizes each SOUL/Being has a unique plan for this their incarnation.
TRUSTING through living through the heart is the true fearlessness and LOVE that sustains the awareness of UNITY, not even just this world. Throughout all of time, worlds and throughout the universe as UNITED through the heart.
The Milky Way Galaxy is going through a monumental shift, everything is being shaken to the core of being. FOR the ultimate purpose of the EVOLUTION of BEINGS to enter their heart. To enter the true state of UNION in which no being is separate from all of their existences, including so called past and future.
The heart only DOES this. IT is the ONLY true portal through which all enters UNION.
This Union state of being is the TRUE love so many feel they are separate from.
Fear is separation. Distance is separation. Time and belief in it is separation. Thoughts NOT filtered through the heart are separation.
This is the so called time NOW ~ the frequency of the grand opportunity in this lifetime/existence to ENTER YOUR HEART.
The so called ASCENSION is THIS. Going from your head to your heart.
These 13 days following the Spring Equinox 2020 is the PROFOUND amplification of what is. IF you are in your heart then this expands. IF you are in your mind not filtered through your heart then that expands.
CONSCIOUSLY entering your heart whether struggling with the COVID-19 or healthy is the WAY to go. To know love, to know union. TO BE SET FREE from the limitations of the mind.
In this we activate YOU in the love and amplification of YOUR HEART awareness; therefore, LOVE Being. Being your Divine Self while having a form. In love, always, NOW.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2020.
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