domingo, marzo 29, 2020
L'Aura Pleiadian - Day 10 ~ PROFOUND Shifts - Mar 29- 2020
Here we are day 10 of 13 which began on March 20th, 2020 the first full day of the Equinox energies. This GRAND LIGHT 13 day window leads to the potential for each being on earth to experience the amplification of the heart. The greater heart awakening; which is the Ascension portal.
This greater LIGHT radiates and pulsates and stimulates all that desire its activation. It is the grand choice, the head or the heart.
We will say those fully not in their heart potentially may be referred to as the non light beings (although everyone is LIGHT at the higher levels) choosing the head over the heart.
This window AMPLIFIES energies. More heart or more head frequencies.
Now these energies may feel as though they are OPPOSING each other.
At the higher levels they are not. IT simply is the transition to greater evolution of beings to fully enter the heart and the AGE OF AQUARIUS.
The MASS lock down; so to speak, is for the potential choices underway to be made for all beings on planet EARTH.
For some this may appear behind the scenes as a battle. Again it is not. It is the time for choices.
TAKE these moments and days to enter into your heart if you truly desire to LEAVE behind the old ways of being. The separation, the fear, the loneliness and enter the LOVE of your heart. IF you EVER are to do so in this lifetime, the time is NOW!
In this we activate YOU through all the shifts and changes, the death of the old way of being, the death of the Earth structures, the RE-BIRTH of you into the NEW Earth through LOVE.
In this the love, we radiate to you NOW.
L'Aura Pleiadian
Ángeles de Crystal