domingo, marzo 08, 2020
Judith Kusel - I was shown yesterday morning, how the shackles and bonds, which held us in the 3rd dimension for so long are coming off - Mar 8, 2020
I was shown yesterday morning, how the shackles and bonds, which held us in the 3rd dimension for so long are coming off.
In that moment, I had a sense of freedom like never before.
I was shown how we now can create new life, not only for ourselves but for the rest of humanity!
When one is freed, there is a moment of disbelief: after all one was tied for so long. As much as it is liberating, it is scary too, for one is now stepping into the unknown, the unchartered.... One literally is stepping into a totally different form of life and this stepping up, is in truth at accelerated pace!
It is the gathering now of our soul family, our expanded family of light and in this we need to take hands and work together to co-create the new.
As we move further into the unchartered, we will have moments when we need to get our bearings, and find out true north and follow the call - individually and collectively. Yet this great shift is unstoppable and we will be shown the way, and will learn to navigate all of this by listening to our inner guidance, inner knowing and whatever we need for this journey, will be provided as we are never alone!
Judith Kusel
Ángeles de Crystal