
domingo, marzo 08, 2020

Denise Le Fay - Phase 2: High-Speed Evolution - March 8, 2020

So, how are you enjoying Phase 2 of the Ascension Process so far? We Volunteers have Worked on and towards this phase of the Ascension Process for so long and now that it’s here most of us are awestruck by the breakneck speed, hard-driving Divine force and constant intensity of every freaking thing that’s happened since January 2020! The spiritual and energetic feel of all this, so far, feels like Divine Mother/Feminine and Divine Father/Masculine and Divine Source have been excitedly waiting in the wings for this moment for a very long time, and now that it’s here, they’ve rushed back in with such speed and force that it’s flabbergasted most of us and we even knew it was coming! Such is the eternal and always reality rattling LOVE and insatiable Creative drive of ALL for ALL.

Personally it’s felt like I’ve lived six lifetimes in just the past two weeks (the last week of February and first week of March 2020) and I’m not exaggerating or joking about this. Life and reality so far in Phase 2 2020, is like nothing any of us have ever experienced before. Don’t expect any of this to slow down, ease up, make old familiar linear sense or follow any old 3D patriarchal rules, beliefs or expectations of anyone, “professional” or otherwise. None of us exist there anymore. We’re in NEW territory with NEW energy codes — NEW templates for NEW Earth, NEW Humanity now and nothing will go back to how things were before and I mean this in every way you can think of and all the ones you and I can’t imagine yet. Let the past go because Divine Mother, Father, Source want to LOVE you long now in very NEW ways at NEW levels. 😀
The planet Uranus — sudden unexpected changes, higher consciousness, higher awareness — entered Taurus — money, finances, valuables, what people value, what people believe is valuable — one year ago in March of 2019. There was a lot of nervous speculating about what might happen to money, finances, banks, the stock market etc. once Uranus entered Taurus last year. Like many, I’ve had this in the back of my awareness for a year, wondering why we hadn’t been financially affected by the powerful lighting striking, earthquake-like energies of Uranus transiting earthy Taurus. It seemed to me like this was put on hold for some unknown reasons until numerous other pieces were positioned exactly where needed to create the perfect storm of rapid global patriarchal dismantling and changes surrounding money and finances etc. and more. Here we are a year later in March 2020 with the NEW Diamond codes in place physically for NEW Earth, NEW Humanity and the energies of Uranus in Taurus were activated because of a global coronavirus called COVID-19.
The old global patriarchal world realities have been suddenly and unexpectedly picked up and shaken hard to cause them to break apart much faster and quickly knock, shock and physically rattle humanity out of their old unconscious daily routines, habits, expectations, reliance on governments and external others, and most importantly their old consciousness. Uranus — sudden and unexpected changes and higher consciousness. 

From one level Uranus transiting through Taurus looks and feels like exactly what it does now which is physical reality just got hit hard by this global virus which is automatically impacting the economy globally. Humanity has had their daily lives and old familiar and habitual reality rudely interrupted and redirected, which is exactly what Uranus does best. It suddenly forces people to become very conscious and present in the moment, like it or not. Global humanity has just entered the Ascension Process, Phase 2 of it. You and I however entered it around 1998–1999 or any time after that physical level start-date for the Volunteers, the Forerunners and Pathpavers. For all of us it was Phase 1 of the Ascension Process, and we just entered Phase 2 of it in January 2020, as did the rest of humanity but at very different levels. Uranus transiting Taurus now in Phase 2 is manifesting in BOTH levels for both groups and more. What looks like chaos, sickness and increased sudden deaths globally, the economy suddenly immobilized in all this NEW Light, people’s lives and routines suddenly exploded into something else etc. is simultaneously breaking apart the old molds of consciousness and physical reality and causing individuals to “wake up” to NEW better ways of living their lives and so on. What’s happening globally is two-fold in that it’s both rapidly breaking apart and destroying the old ways and forcing humanity into greater, higher NEW consciousness because it’s Phase 2 and the NEW Diamond codes for NEW Earth, NEW Humanity are physically present. Destruction, chaos, confusion and NEW creation all happening simultaneously for global humanity is their Phase 2 reality. For we Volunteer First Everythingers it’s that and so much more.

“Thank you for sharing your experience with your little girl, Kara. I hope it helps others like us in the same boat. I had a similar sickness with my daughter about 3 weeks ago. Fever, respiratory symptoms and I had absolutely no fear or doubt that she’ll be fine and in 3 days she was over it. Then my husband caught it, he had to go to ER, told it was a bronchial cold, was prescribed nebulizer, prednisone and ibuprofen. He took off of work for a whole week. Right after, I had a sore throat for two days and then I was fine.

My daughter was born aware, my husband is the typical left brained, logic ruled part of humanity, the masses, if you will. Denise’s comment about how the virus affects according to frequencies really cemented this thing home for me, thank you endlessly Denise!  👋❤️

It’s amazing to witness it firsthand. I mean, I KNOW it but just to have it reaffirmed visually is something else.
I know exactly what you mean by wanting to say nothing and everything at the same time. So I’ll just end it here.” — Jain Lee, March 6, 2020 comment.
That is the entire key to this global coronavirus situation, and most all other things too. The higher and faster vibrating your inner frequency is, the greater your ‘Light quotient’ is, the less chance there is that you would be physically affected by it. You literally are existing at and in a much higher frequency range than were this and all other viruses—physical and etheric—exist so you won’t catch it. You most likely will be affected however by the numerous side effects of this pandemic (because I didn’t know I had to look this up—pandemic is global, epidemic is national) such as the economic changes, reduction of or lack of your usual income, reduction of and/or lack of certain products etc. Bottom line is this, like all other things, is about different levels of frequency, consciousness, energy, awareness and emotions. The more Light you have embodied, the less risk you have of becoming sick from any lower frequency type of thing. The less Light you have embodied, the greater the risk you have of becoming sick from this virus or any others because you’re existing within the same frequency range of it/them and with lower consciousness and lower emotions such as fear, anger, panic etc.
Phase 2 will kill many people, others it is and will make very sick for a while, others only mildly and for a very brief time, and others won’t be affected at all. Different levels of frequency, and we all find ourselves in different ones based on how much Light energy we’ve embodied so far. I say once more, how many Guides, Angels, ETs and Ascended Masters have you ever encountered in any dimension who had credit cards, stacks of cash, the flu or a cold?
I remember during Phase 1 of the Ascension Process (the 2000s in this case) Karen Bishop often used this great accurate word to describe the Volunteers, Forerunners location and condition. The word she often used was ‘sequestered’. Do any of you remember this? She meant that we were literally isolated, removed and existing somewhere else, we were indeed energetically and physically ‘sequestered’ away in our homes and apartments living the Ascension Process first and far ahead of the rest of humanity. Because of this we had to be energetically stationed away from the rest of humanity and those lower frequencies because we were and continued to evolve beyond them. Hence, we were ‘sequestered’ in a small and isolated higher frequency range throughout Phase 1. We still are in Phase 2 and will be for a good while yet. However, Phase 2 started in January 2020 and now the rest of humanity is experiencing being sequestered from their old daily routines and lives due to this coronavirus. To many this forced sequestration is imprisonment in one’s house or apartment to prevent getting sick and spreading it further. To other’s this forced isolation are a sort of vacation time from work and the constant rush and insanity of daily life. To others this forced isolation will quickly open them and start to expand their consciousness and views of life and reality etc. Again, different frequencies and levels of Light, perception, awareness and emotions.
I remember reading something by Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians back in the late 1990s or early 2000, about the possibility of ‘Twenty million people leaving the planet in one day.’ I wondered what in the world could cause that many people to die in one day? Earthquakes? Volcanic eruption? Tsunami? Mega storms? I didn’t know and couldn’t imagine it but I never forgot that statement by them so long ago. That is until the possibility of a global pandemic entered the picture with the start of Phase 2 in January 2020. Then that shocking statement becomes a very real physical possibility. I’ve said this many times before and will again here — there’s no “failure” in choosing to exit ones physical body and die. There are many, many people in Phase 2 that will quickly and suddenly be dying because they don’t want to or can’t for whatever their reasons remain in their current physical body and rapidly evolve, ascend it while in it. Those people don’t want to do that and that is perfectly okay. There is zero judgement about any of this but we all are now in Phase 2 of the Ascension Process and global change is here for everyone and all this has suddenly become very visible and physically real to humanity. More to come too, much more all year.
The last week of February into the first week of March 2020, I experienced a very strange feeling NEW next level of my personal Embodiment Process. There were no Higher Awareness visions as I’m used to with this one, it was unusual emotional feelings and greater inner expansion and adjustments. It was sudden and the impact of “it” strongly affected me for a solid week. In Phase 2, some people around the planet are contracting the coronavirus, I’ve been contracting more of my Higher Selves/Soul/Source as I know some other Embodiers are now too. 
The best I can describe “it” at this point is to say that more was Embodied into me, Denise and her physical body and personality. “It” was androgynous, felt foreign and weird to me for a while but I instantly loved and LOVED “it” profoundly. As the past two weeks unfolded, the really strange sensations of having just been greatly added to and expanded have become my latest NEW normal. I already know there’s more of this to come this year, just like everything else. When higher comes into contact with lower, everything is changed instantly until it happens again and again at higher and higher levels. 
There are stair-steps, different layers and intensities with the Embodiment Process—the intentional alignment with and energetic merging of all aspects of Higher Self/Selves/Soul with the physical incarnate self and body. The Embodiment Process is the reunification of, the putting back together again of all that was intentionally separated and put out of alignment for a Great Cycle or more, with the intention of learning and creating in that way, from that disconnected and dualized state. Each of us were, are ONE within ourselves but we’ve gone intentionally out of alignment with our higher aspects for all sorts of Source intended highly creative reasons. It’s just that during this Ascension Process some of us are also living this Embodiment Process too and Phase 2 is very much about the Embodiment Process personally, individually and also in how much it is connected with the rest of reality being changed and very quickly now.
About four years ago I started perceiving this joke in my awareness. You know that old joke that starts, ‘How many ________ (fill in the blank) does it take to screw in a light bulb?” Well, the joke I was hearing repeatedly for a couple of years went like this: “How many crystalline Diamond Embodiers does it take to screw in NEW Earth, NEW Humanity?” 
Yeah, that’s how Higher communicates with me oftentimes. Hilarious, stunningly accurate, super simplified and straight to the HighHeart of the matter.
Plenty more to talk about because plenty more is coming for everyone this year. This is Phase 2 after all. Keep doing the Work First Everythingers. See you in Comments.

March 8, 2020