
martes, marzo 24, 2020

Denise Le Fay - More Surreal Moments - March 24, 2020

Thought I’d share this latest strangeness. This morning, March 24, 2020, I had to finally brave it and go out to forage for food and all those other necessities we all still need. So, before the sun was up, I headed out for my local Super Walmart store because Walmart has, in my area, given people over 60 one hour every Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:00AM to shop in Walmart. One hour, once a week, before the sun rises. Perfect for all of us over 60. 😐

I have so not wanted to have to finally see, for myself, everything I did this morning in Walmart. I’m not picking on Walmart as I’m sure it’s probably just as dire in all other shopping and grocery stores at this point. I just put shopping off for as long as I could this month but I’m going to have to try again soon because there was so little food available. Like eating hasn’t been hard enough throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process! Now in early Phase 2 of it there’s very little of it to be found so far. Frying pan into the fire, or we’re about to evolve into a diet of Light and Diamond energies!

Before I go any further with this I’m going to share a link to an article I wrote at TRANSITIONS and published January 3, 2009. I had the clairvoyant vision experience on December 29, 2008 while I was physically shopping in this same Super Walmart store I was in this morning — twelve years ago.

A Clairvoyant Vision

It’s one thing having clairvoyant visions and it’s another thing actually, physically being in it over a decade after you Saw what you Saw. Such was my morning this morning, wandering through our Walmart with other 60-plus year-olds, putting ourselves at risk to go through this huge store searching for crumbs. I was physically in the vision I’d had twelve years earlier, walking up and down shopping aisle after aisle looking at the 85% empty shelves in most all of them. It was surreal, it was frustrating, it was stupid, it was what it now is. How long it’s this way is another thing we’ll all find ourselves dealing with in multiple ways.

It was interesting to see the scant few people who made an effort to keep the ‘six foot distance’ between themselves and others. I was proud of them and sent them Heart gratitude hugs. Then of course there were the other people, the majority unfortunately who aren’t — as yet — able to be conscious of their actions. Maybe loosing a loved one, or having to spend weeks quarantined in some godawful location will finally do it for the self-absorbed unaware people. Maybe, maybe not even that.

Then there were those few people who kept their sense of humor about the insanity of evolution, not that they know that’s what all this is. Doesn’t matter really, but I sure did enjoy those three women that tossed out some humor at me about the craziness of the entire situation.

Besides the obvious extreme weirdness of me finding myself this morning living a clairvoyant vision I had twelve years ago while shopping in this same store, it was the undeniable energetic change in the whole building that struck me the most. Yeah it’s a pain in the butt to not be able to find food and laundry soap and cleaning products etc., and possibly risk one’s very life to get them, but it was the profound change to human life and reality that was so powerful this morning to me. It was obvious who was more aware, more empathic, more compassionate and capable of thinking of other people and just themselves. And it was obvious who haven’t changed at all yet, if they even will. Cold harsh truths felt deeply — and no damned food either!

And while I’m at this (sorry) I’m going to share something else that goes with the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic screeching halt and overall money business. It’s not pleasant but we all know it is real and happening and going to get worse before it gets better.

As some of you may remember, my 89-year-old mother died in late June 2019. After she passed I had to go to the mortuary where she had a pre-paid cremation plan and deal with those people, pay some extra costs, fill out paperwork and all the rest of it. While there doing these things with three different mortuary employees present, I repeatedly clairvoyantly Saw a bunch of caskets lined up in the hallways and other rooms in the mortuary. I knew what I was Seeing was in the near future and hoped it was symbolic and not literal. Needless to say I was slightly distracted while filling out paperwork with the mortuary people and I’m sure one of them thought I was either a “space cadet” or just distraught over the death of my mother because he kept watching me repeatedly glance out the door into the hall. I didn’t care what they thought about me because I’m used to trying to NOT look like I’m clairvoyantly Seeing, feeling and experiencing another reality or realities while other people are physical near me when it happens. I would prefer privacy when this happens however, but I’ve become very good at perceiving more of reality, other realities, other timelines etc. while pretending I’m not when strangers are with me when it happens. It’s finally getting close now for me to be honest with strangers when these things present to me. I’ll deal with that bridge when they’re more ready for info like this.

So there I was taking care of the final details of my mothers death, cremation and so forth and simultaneously clairvoyantly Seeing an unusual amount of caskets that had to be placed in hallways and additional rooms in this mortuary. My first thought was what in the world was about to happen that would suddenly cause so many people to be dying at the same time? Well, here we are nine months later and it’s become painfully clear, globally. This is also going to get worse before it gets better. HighHearts people, HighHearts. Know that this is the evolutionary Shift, the Separation of Worlds, the crossing of unseen reality energy bridges by humanity to transition from how reality and consciousness etc. has been into how it’s going to be on NEW Earth, NEW Humanity.

More coming soon in another article. Be creative, be the NEW, radiate the Light and “infect” them with that to help everyone make this extreme evolutionary reality shift. ❤


March 24, 2020