
viernes, enero 31, 2020

Judith Kusel - When the consciousness levels rise, the state on Unity rises - Jan 31, 2020

When the consciousness levels rise, the state on Unity rises.

One realizes that one is not separate from anyone, anything and most certainly not the Divine.

One is all that is - as much as All-that-is is one.

The more your conscious awareness expands, the more you start to move into the higher octaves of Being. The more you expand, the less you are worried or concerned about what others do or do not do.

You start to understand, that you create your own state of mind and your own life experiences.
You indeed can choose how you act and react to life in all its forms and expression. You understand that your thoughts, actions and non-action have a ripple effect on the whole, and you start taking responsibility for it all, knowing that each encounter teaches you more about yourself and indeed all of life. In truth every encounter has within it, the seeds of growing in unconditional love for self, others and Divine.
The Highest states of Consciousness, embrace pure, unconditional love and Unity as a state of BEING.
For in truth all existence is but Love-in-action and in Being!
Judith Kusel