
miércoles, enero 08, 2020

Jim Self - The Disintegration - January 6, 2020

Uriel: With the Eye of Horus in place there is an unlimitedness and a knowing of the infinitive expression of the Divine. This is a very helpful template that is now being given to these students. Can you see how this progression has occurred over the last months.

Jim: Oh, yes. What’s fascinating to me is watching the disintegration of these more rigid states of consciousness. The concept that this work is an experiment is now fitting into a larger piece. I can enjoy it from a different vantage point than I had enjoyed it previously. This is exciting.

Uriel: Yes. The thing that is most exciting to us is, to watch that disintegration as the students actually participate with us and create the changes within the chakra system. That disintegration begins to happen without the effort that was put forth in earlier lessons. There was a lot of effort put into clearing. Now, because that clearing was achieved, this energetic allows for further disintegration of fallen concepts of the third dimension with very little effort. You and the students are able to maintain a state of consciousness. You are able to use the Living Light in a more expansive way.

This Eye of Horus or Eternal Eye sets the formatting now for you to begin to utilize some of the concepts of the sixth dimension that you have not even had awareness of. It opens the possibility of some of those sixth dimensional energetics and concepts to begin to be opened into your reality.

Jim: Those concepts move very fluidly and very quickly.

Uriel: Yes. Very quickly. Faster than what you call the speed of light. That is why it is so important now to receive and use this particular energetic format – so the Living Light is available and usable. There is no restriction. This particular visualization and concept has been around for a very long time within the physical realm. After the Fall of Consciousness it was not understood what energetics were contained within it. The presence of the Living Light is extensive and potent. That could not be perceived, nor understood, in a third dimensional state of consciousness.

It was not removed from this realm, as many things were removed at the time of the Fall. Even though it was inactive, it still held a possibility of the unlimited potential that was always available. There was always that Light that shone very freely. The possibility was always there. Many times it was misunderstood; but it was always there.

We are very excited about the opportunity to activate this format now for these students. As these students participate in this experiment, it affects all levels of Creation, in the physical and the non-physical realms. It affects the actions and the reactions of past, present and future.

We thank you very much. I will withdraw now. Blessings.

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Archangel Uriel and Jim Self as they prepare a class together.

We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Uriel to speak through her. With her collaboration the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.

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