
domingo, diciembre 08, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Full Moon December 11/12th, 2019 ~ A Breaking/Turning Point - Dec 8, 2019

This Powerful Full Moon in Gemini is on December 12th, 2019 at 1:12 am AST. These powerful energetic influences are the continuation of the intense New Moon and will last till December 26th New Moon/Eclipse/new cycle.

There will be a triple conjunction which energetically may activate, love/money/personal crisis or a breaking point. At the POSITIVE level those prepared will experience being greatly expanded and aware through this process. And also on the positive, those that go through tremendous challenges ~ this TOO is for their evolving expansion of consciousness/heart space awareness.

The Full Moon/Sun opposite Moon, is always a powerful intense activation of the subconscious, that which appears hidden as reactive impulses. This almost always activates the emotional body, if the emotional body, is subject to the fears and fluctuations of appeared limitations.

Venus conjunct Saturn ~ may involve levels of coldness if coldness is present already. Those living through their heart will pass this so called test and rise coming out swinging as a star.

Venus conjunct Pluto ~ this will be the rest for karmic relationships. Those involved in the unaware plays of manipulation will be activated so that they will SEE how It is they are playing and will be called to live through their heart and or end relationships. For those evolved as in self awareness and heart awareness, true love may arrive, of course unique to one’s LIFE plan, frequency activation.

Saturn conjunct Pluto ~ exact on January 12th 2020, a huge testing ground and or opportunity for those that are ready. Already being felt now, this is getting down to the real self aware, deep inner work. This leads to full self awareness/expansion and authenticity.

The Moon quincunx Venus, Saturn and Pluto ~ will activate greater sense of disharmony potential, if still living through that non actualized self awareness of being. In other words may appear as a huge testing experience, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Everything will be amplified if present, FEARS, non awareness, jealousy, anger, manipulation for those living through those energetic traces and memories, not yet fully loved and taken to the heart presence and awareness of the eternal true SELF.

Those living in their heart will be called to stand brighter than ever as their original Light for all to see and know and be revealed. First and always THROUGH YOU.

This cycle which is ending with the New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 26, 2019 began with the auspicious July 2nd Solar Eclipse. This testing process and or expansion and rising, represent the completion and final preparation for the full harvest of what began on July 2nd 2019.

Many will rise, many will fall ~ yet all is for the benefit of all.

FOR thew evolution and heart awakening/ascension, for the new YOU/ New Earth, as being your eternal cosmic God SELF ~ mastering FORM NOW!! IN LOVE always.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.