
lunes, diciembre 23, 2019

Judith Kusel - We are in the midst of immense earth changes and dimensional changes - Dec 23, 2019

We are in the midst of immense earth changes and dimensional changes.

The most ancient of energy centers are now starting to get reactivated, as the vibrational frequencies on planetary start matching the original technology created to work with the Crystalline Energy portals and the Spinal Column of the Earth.

During November that massive energy sun disc portal was reopened and it is busy to bring immensely powerful energy into the energy grids on planetary levels, and is accelerating the planetary ascension.

The dimensional shift in frequency band is thus accelerating, and it will bring about that you will feel this mostly in your heart center. You will feel fragile at times, and with it a lot of the old negative karmic patterns will be dissolved, old family karma and old negative family patterns, as this is working deeply with our DNA and cellular memory banks, and is busy clearing the old and stuck programming.

I would suggest, to take quiet moment this today or tomorrow, and ask that any old family karma, and old negative family and ancestral patterns, which no longer serve your highest soul growth and good any longer, be cleansed, cleared away, so that new and healthier patterns can now be created in the 5th dimensional frequency band.

Ask that the Power of Love sweep through the ancestral lines, and through and DNA and the cellular programming. Ask that the Power of Love, be shown to you, and ask that you will receive a deep healing with those from you may have been separated, or where harsh words were spoken, or whatever happened. Ask that all negative cords and attachments which are still energetically linking and causing pain on both sides to be cut and cleared away. Remember that the deepest forgiveness wipes the slate clean and there is a big sign: "No fishing allowed!"

Let those wound be healed, forgive and allow the Power of Love to flood through you, and then send that love to these souls - no matter where they are. Ask for a Love to show itself - and it will.

Then, ask for the healing to the deepest of depths, of collective country karma and negative patterns created within your country - and even your country of birth, if you life elsewhere. You are connected to your country of birth and even the place of your birth energetically, as you have energetic links to every place you ever lived or visited. It is time now to ask for the negative cords and attachments to be cut and cleansed and cleared to the deepest levels.

When one does deep cleansing, clearing and releasing like this, you allow space for the new and higher frequency energy and rebirth and the forces of renewal to sweep into your life! It makes for new beginnings and new opportunities. Indeed, it is the core seed of all rebirth to the highest degrees!

It is my deepest wish for you that will experience a heart opening such as never happened before, and that you will experience the Power of Love to the highest degrees!

Judith Kusel
