
martes, diciembre 17, 2019

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada - Our Light is Your Light - December 17, 2019

Hello Dear Sweet Beings,

I stand before you in awe and with inspiration and adoration as I watch you explode further and further into the Light, into the Love, into the Divine Beings that you are.

Keep that close to your heart, that knowing, dear ones. We see you all exploding into this beautiful ‘Starburst of Light’ as your DNA is transforming and igniting into who you truly are, Divine Humans.

Take a moment to assess and acknowledge your progress so far. It is miraculous. It is spectacular. It is heart-warming and inspiring. It is monumental, dear ones.

We, all the Ascended Masters, love you dearly and we walk alongside you now with more and more certainty and evidence to you. Your Light is our Light now.

Many of you have done massive clearing, and so it has sometimes thrown you seemingly off track as you manage the distortions created by this clearing. Keep focusing on the Light that is left as you allow more and more lifetimes, memories, negativity, trauma, fears, and confusion to lift out of you to make way for your embodiment.

Begin to feel your Soul, your Higher Self, your Oversoul, your Divine Presence more and more as integrated with the human part of you. Feel the Fullness of it. Commend and honor the human and physical part of you as it allows you to merge and embody.

You are the Light, you are the World, dear ones. Remember that. All you create now will be felt by all, and so it is important to keep your perspective in line with the highest ascension and embodiment timeline, as you pave the way for New Earth to be present for all.

Feel the whispers of Truth from your Soul get louder and be careful to not allow the screams of fear you hear from some of the collective, so that your own fears do not get triggered. You are in the process of leaving them all (the fears) behind. And what will be left is a shining, full, embodied Divine Being who knows or experiences fear and angst no longer.

Stand strong within your Soul, your Higher Self, as you navigate these final days of the year. You are embarking on the final finish line of ascension and embodiment. Know this, dear ones. The Explosion of Light within you will make it so.

Our Light is Your Light.

So it is, dear ones.


Thank you, Lady Nada.

(Message Transmitted 12.15.19)