
domingo, diciembre 08, 2019

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada - Illumination and Inspiration - You Are Golden - December 8, 2019

image credit: pixabay.com

Greetings Dear Ones.

These times are confusing to many at best. Please trust yourselves, your Higher Selves, as you each embark further on your embodiment and ascension.

Be careful not to compare yourself with others as you follow your deep inner guidance and trust it. I am with you as you access the deep Divine Love that is becoming your mainstay for your journey.

You are all ‘Golden’, in a literal as well as figurative way…that is, you are all where you need to be. Surrender to the influx of Light and Light Codes that are becoming increasingly intense yet designed for your further awakening and embodiment.

You are all jewels of Divine Love Embodiment. Allow yourself to feel it deep within your Being, deep within your Heart, as you allow yourself to expand. Welcome a new perception of your Being. Do not compare it to others’ perceptions, or even to how you perceived yourself yesterday. Allow yourSelf to unfold and expand further into your true Divine Self. Be comfortable with the integration as the fears and negative thoughts and memories are dispelled, and you welcome more New Light into your Being.

Yes, times are confusing right now because there is so much activity in the collective consciousness. Choose the divine quality and multidimensional level you wish to dwell in and allow yourself to expand there.

Feel deep Love for yourself as you feel it equally for others. For Oneness is a reality now.


Copyright © 2011-2019 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission. www.franhealing.com www.franheal.wordpress.com www.ouremergingdivinity.com

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/