
lunes, diciembre 02, 2019

Emmanuel Dagher - Foundational Shifts – December 2019 Energy Forecast - Dec 2, 2019

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A Magical Time to Be Present

The holiday season is an excellent time to remind ourselves to be fully anchored in the present moment.

When we anchor ourselves in the present, we operate from our most expanded and empowered self.

Anchoring ourselves in the presents allows us to be open to miracles, insights, opportunities, synchronicities, and blessings that we may otherwise not have noticed.
Anchoring ourselves in the present moment allows us to transcend the illusions of time.

It’s from this space of no-time (a place of nonattachment) that our greatest, most desired intentions can manifest.
Here are some simple things we can do to anchor ourselves in the present:
  • Spend more time exploring and enjoying Nature, such as walking or standing on the Earth in shoes that are not rubber-soled
  • Expressing gratitude often throughout the day
  • Sing, dance, or find other ways to give ourselves a creative outlet that feels expansive
  • Be fully aware of our five senses—taking quiet moments to notice the sounds, shapes, colors, tastes, textures, and scents all around us
  • Have a big belly laugh daily
  • Look into the eyes of everyone we encounter throughout the day
It’s in the present moment that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the illusions and habits of the past, or worries about the future.
Consciously choosing to ground ourselves in the present moment leads to a life lived from a state of grace, flow, and ease.
Support and Love
As this year comes to completion, this is an excellent time to reflect and get clear on what we’d like more of in our lives.
Here are some questions to ask ourselves, to get greater clarity on what we want to create more of:
  • “What does my life look like when I am at peace and happy?”
  • “What are some things I enjoyed doing as a child that I can integrate into my life now?”
  • “What actions or situations feel expansive and good to me?”
Answering these questions can help us get clear on what we really want to experience more of.
Once we have that clarity, it becomes easier to take action and to ask for support.
Most of us hesitate to ask for support from others, either because we’re unclear on the kind of support we desire, or because we were conditioned to believe that getting what we want takes something away from someone else, creating a burden for them.
There’s also the belief that, “If I ask for help from others, they’ll expect me to return the favor.”
Life is about sharing this human experience with our sisters and brothers. And an important aspect of the human experience is being part of a community.
We are here to share our blessings with one another. If you are surrounded by people who do not want to support or help you, it’s usually a reflection of how you’ve been treating yourself or others.
Are you generous with your support towards yourself and others? Do you offer support to others without expecting anything in return?
Does it feel easy and fun for you to share your blessings with the world?
When you can fully answer “yes” to these questions, you will notice that support is abundantly available in your life.
When we express what we desire with the Universe and those around us by asking for support, we open ourselves up to receiving opportunities we might not have had a chance to experience otherwise.
The Universe wants to give us everything we’ve ever desired for ourselves. It’s just a matter of how open we are to receiving it.
If you ever find yourself feeling unsupported, find an opportunity to support someone else, even if it’s someone you don’t know very well.
This act of kindness will shift the energies for you. It will open your mind, eyes, and heart to knowing that life is much more than hiding or separating ourselves from others.
It’s about living, loving, and sharing our gifts and our presence openly.
