
martes, diciembre 31, 2019

Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - El Muro de la Consciencia - Cancún, México, 12 a 15 de Diciembre

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Cancún, México, 12 a 15 de Diciembre - 30º Aniversario de Kryon

El Muro de la Consciencia

Marilyn Harper:

Ah, es buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Es tan maravilloso ver su luz, su brillo, su divina presencia, queridísimos seres. Vemos su corazón iluminado, vemos su mente, su energía, cada uno conectado. Deseamos que sepan que son como una rueda, una rueda que gira con radios y un borde o aro, y su corazón, su corazón es el centro, el eje de esta rueda. Cuando todos sus corazones se reúnen en este salón, o cuando oyen este mensaje en algún momento del futuro, respiren dentro de ese núcleo de su centro corazón y sientan la calidez expandirse, expandirse, y sientan a los otros corazones a su alrededor. Y al sentir esos otros corazones que están a su alrededor, la sensación de su propio corazón, el sentir su energía mágica latiendo y bombeando sangre cada segundo y fuerza de vida a todas

L’Aura Pleiadian - The New Decade 2020 & Self-Love - Dec 31, 2019

Resolutions? To make a resolve. Make a new plan of action? How about being? Be determined to stay more present?

As we go with the FLOW of how things ARE we become less determined to be anything other than what we are now.

The only way to not be determined to change anything about ourselves is through having COMPLETE love and acceptance of ourselves. That does not mean we do not make changes.

John Smallman - Saul - Prepare yourselves for the joy to come - Dec 31, 2019

Today, as you prepare to enter into a new terrestrial year, I would like to remind you that there is only and can only be L O V E! Love is Reality, is Mother/Father/God, is The Source from which All That Is flows constantly out embracing and re-embracing Itself in every moment, creating infinite Joy for All.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Revel In The Joy! - December 31, 2019

Revel In The Joy!

Over the next few weeks, you will be purging and releasing a great many things that no longer serve you. Emotions, situations and people may fall by the wayside. It is okay to let yourself grieve this passing. You are, after all, human. (Smiling) Once the grieving has passed, allow yourself to revel in the joy of new growth…there will be plenty of it! ~ Creator

Denise Le Fay - Today is the Last Day of 2019 - December 31, 2019

At the start of December 2018, the heavy rains and snow suddenly started on the west coast areas of the USA. After a very long and very hot period of drought here in southern California, it was magnificent having it suddenly raining, and heavily here and for the whole winter season. For the past twenty years we’ve not really had winter in SoCal. We were lucky if the temperature dropped below 100 degrees, that’s how harsh it’s been and for so long. But December 2018 brought in a lot of NEW energies and codes that were inserted into the water, the rain and snow on Earth which is

Lauren C. Gorgo - 2020: The Great Unveiling - Dec 30, 2019

2020: The Great Unveiling

December 30, 2019

We are officially in the corridor to New Earth that opened with a highly combustible solar eclipse on Christmas. The totality of the “last-minute 1-2-3 punch that ended on Boxing Day” did NOT disappoint, amounted to a total KO for the lower human template after a final face-off with the persecution story/crucifixion wound. In fact, the window from the solstice to the Christmas eclipse was a bonafide “wrath of GOD” passage of Knowing who we TRULY are, but having to hold steady, anchored in that Truth for what may or may not have amounted to a last-minute holiday shit-slinging, as we squeezed the last of that enormous camel thru the eye of that tiny needle.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 31, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

December 31, 2019

You have a marker today of time
but we ask you to consider
who you are outside of time.

Receive this with regular pleasure.

Allow yourself regular merging
with who you are
outside of time.


Meg Benedicte - A New Year Perspective - Dec 31, 2019

A New Year Perspective

On this final day of a transformative year, I’ve would like to take a moment to share with you some of my New Year’s reflections, intentions and observations. We are currently in the eclipse corridor, the two-week period between eclipses. Eclipses shake things loose, triggering new developments and pressure to change.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, December 31, 2019


What we want you to understand as you move forward into a new year and a new decade is that nothing is carved in stone. The energies are expansive and malleable, as are you. By embracing your alignment with your beingness, understanding that alignment might be in a different place each day depending upon what the energies are doing and where you are in your own personal shifting (but you can always find with your intention), you start to

Schumann Resonance Today – Update - December 31 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

December 31 2019 – 11:30 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

Risonanza Schumann Oggi -Dipendenze dell'ampiezza della Risonanza Schumann
  • 12/31 11:30 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/30 17:00 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/30 10:00 UTC – After yesterday’s very strong activity, the situation remained calm for about 9 hours until about 21 UTC (yesterday), when new moderate movements began which lasted almost 4 hours until 1:30 UTC. During this period the maximum amplitude value reached has been Power 30.
  • 12/29 17:00 UTC – Today’s activity lasted 13 hours, from 23 (yesterday) to 12 UTC (today), the average was about Power 70 and only once, briefly for about 15 minutes around 8 UTC, the amplitude went below Power 40. Graphically it looks like a column of light.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Energies from Other Star Systems in the Galaxy - Dec 31, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very sophisticated in our analysis of how you are being affected by certain energies, and we know that we are able to isolate an energy to observe its effects upon you. We have witnessed so much growth and evolution coming as a result of those of you who have opened yourselves up to energies coming from the various star systems in the galaxy, and we encourage you to continue this practice.

Teri Wade - Inevitable Changes...- Dec 30, 2019

Inevitable Changes...

From Dark to Light 🙌🏼

The expansion of consciousness is never ending because the Universe keeps experiencing and expresses itself into matter and form, to gather information before turning into non-matter this is what this game is all about. Return to light, non-matter, going full circle. EVOLUTION!

Hans Decoz - 2020; The Year Atlas Stumbled


2020; The Year Atlas Stumbled

© Hans Decoz - 2019

Global Numerology Forecast

Throughout history, certain years stand out because they shook our foundation and rocked the world. The years 1939 and 1945 come to mind, the beginning and the end of WWII, when close to 100 million people perished, forever changing the world politically, economically, and socially.

Eighty-one years later, nine complete epicycles of nine years each have passed, as we find ourselves facing a similar shockwave.


"Es un tiempo de gran amor, de un gran cambio y el comienzo de una gran compasión"

lunes, diciembre 30, 2019

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - A word from Gillian and the QuantumAwakening - COMING TO THE END OF 2019 - Dec 30, 2019

A word from Gillian and the QuantumAwakening


As we come to the end of 2019 it is important to savor every moment of it like we are at the last supper. For we truly are at the end of our dimensional rope and are moving on up into a higher perspective so we are able to Look through the eyes of our heart which are mirrored throughout time. So much has shifted and changed with or without our permission in 2019 preparing us for the big leap in faith. the players in our documentary enter and exit our lives and hearts causing emotional backwash as we review our choices. Truth, past and present parade in a panoramic display demanding that we look down that long Hall of Mirrors. Seeing glimpses of whom and what we once were and what we shall become.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The New Changes - December 30, 2019

The New Changes

With the strong incoming energy, the changes you have been asking for have begun and they will be as easy or challenging as you like. As you work with The Universe, you may notice those around you changing in response to your changes. This may be a bit surprising at first but, it can be an excellent indicator of your progress. Slow and steady or quick and decisive, the choice has always been yours. ~ Creator

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, December 30, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, December 30, 2019

Imagine you are to receive a gift from Heaven
so extraordinary was its light
and offering.

Who would you share it with?

Aisha North - The end of an era - December 30, 2019

by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen 

The end of an era.

An old world collapses

in a smoldering fire
of dreams gone awry.

But out of the ashes

new life arises.

Brenda Hoffman - You’ve Become a Universal Hybrid - December 30, 2019

Dear Ones,

Many of you expect to grow wings or something similar to physically indicate you are a chosen one. You are, but so is every one of the earth. For this is a group project that has been in process for more years than you or any human can count.

Earth is an experiment that has matured to becoming a member of the Universes. An experiment that was initiated before the earth was formed. The hypothesis was that if a beautiful and lush environment were created, those who populated that environment would live in peace and harmony.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Opening Portals to More Arcturian Energy - Dec 30, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been opening more portals in your atmosphere because we are eager to deliver even more Arcturian energy to Mother Earth and the human collective. We have seen the effects of Arcturian energy on you, and we must say that you are taking to it quite nicely. You are eager to remember who you really are in the biggest sense of that statement, and you are also eager to remember that you have been Arcturian in previous lifetimes, whether physical or non-physical. Some of you have had both the non-physical experience and then the physical one, incarnating many times in our star system.

Kryon por Lee Carroll, y Alcazar por Prageet Harris - El Magnetismo - Cancún, México, 12 a 15 de Diciembre

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll, y Alcazar por Prageet Harris
Cancún, México, 12 a 15 de Diciembre - 30º Aniversario de Kryon

2. Magnetismo

Prageet Harris:

Bienamados, los saludamos. Soy Alcazar. Y los invitamos a permitir a su cuerpo, a su mente, relajarse un poco más.

El cambio está sucediendo. La pregunta para cada uno de ustedes es cómo viven en un mundo cambiante, cómo viven en una energética cambiante dentro de ustedes mismos. Cómo permiten estos cambios que están queriendo presentarse en su vida, cómo permitir que sucedan con facilidad y gracia. ¿Qué hacer? Déjennos decir esto: su percepción es todo. Cómo perciben lo que sucede a su alrededor y dentro de ustedes, cómo juzgan lo que sucede. Lo que

Schumann Resonance Today – Update - December 30 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

December 30 2019 – 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

Risonanza Schumann Oggi -Dipendenze dell'ampiezza della Risonanza Schumann
  • 12/30 17:00 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/30 10:00 UTC – After yesterday’s very strong activity, the situation remained calm for about 9 hours until about 21 UTC (yesterday), when new moderate movements began which lasted almost 4 hours until 1:30 UTC. During this period the maximum amplitude value reached has been Power 30.

Judith Kusel - As all is shifting and the most potent energy shifts are pouring in, note that you will experience a lot of inner changes - Dec 30, 2019

As all is shifting and the most potent energy shifts are pouring in, note that you will experience a lot of inner changes.

You will just wake up one morning and know that you have shifted. Something deep inside of you has changed. You may not quite understand what has changed, but as you move into 2020, you will start to see more clearly as so much falls away, which no longer is necessary in the higher dimensional state.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, December 30, 2019


Many of you have issues with the word power. This is due to your many, many incarnations exploring power, which will include lifetimes where you have had power and used it inappropriately, had power and tried to use it appropriately and it didn’t work out well for you or for others, or had it misused against you. The major theme that will continue into 2020 and beyond is the further exploration of power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how to navigate through your own authentic power.

domingo, diciembre 29, 2019

Morag - 2020 Corridor Of Transformation - Dec 29, 2019

by Morag,
Contributing writer, In5D.com

We are moving through an incredibly powerful portal of Light friends. We are making decisions. We are dreamweaving, even if we don’t know it.

Our internal vibration is setting the tone for the coming year and the coming year is setting timelines for a whole big space within Gaia’s ascension field. We are being urged by guides, higher self, angels and ascended beings to STAY POSTIVE. We do what makes us feel good.

Diane Canfield - 2020: The Year of Acceleration And Beginning Of Multidimensionality for Many/Cosmic Light Codes Entering 3D Reality/Cosmic Event - December 29, 2019

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Everyone,


2020 is fast approaching and will be an exciting year for us not only in Ascension but also rare Cosmic line ups happening all throughout the year. These line up capture the energy that is being sent and accelerate it to be able to completely move through the human body. These Cosmic events upgrade our Ascension to a New Level of Awareness.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, December 29, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Get ready to receive
new vibrations
new offerings
and happenings.

Denise Le Fay - Cannot, Will Not Do This Anymore - December 28, 2019

It’s Christmas Eve morning as I start this. I know it’s supposed to be all festive, full of holiday spirit, joy, love and happiness etc., but to be honest, I’ve felt extra terrible the past few days. We all know how brutal nearly every day of 2019 has been. I could bullshit everyone and say what a great time I’m having, that my birthday was wonderful, that life is good, but it’s not true. It’s not in my nature to throw faux verbal glitter on speed-bumps of pain and misery and then be thankful they sparkle. I’ve never had a problem honestly saying how difficult and painful certain Ascension Processes are because I know they’re a normal part of the entire process and won’t last forever. Neutrality remember?

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - December 29, 2019

DECEMBER 29, 2019

Dear Readers, greetings to all at this time of celebration and festivity.

You are entering into a new year and not just in the calendar sense. Change is going to manifest in many areas of living that will be resisted by those who fear change and those who financially gain from keeping "business as usual". As increasingly more individuals awaken and spiritual consciousness expands, many commonly accepted social rules, words, actions, religious beliefs, laws etc. are being questioned.

Lee Carroll y Gregg Braden - Hacer la Pregunta - Cancún, México, 12 a 15 de Diciembre

Lee Carroll y Gregg Braden en la Riviera Maya
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Cancún, México, 12 a 15 de Diciembre - 30º Aniversario de Kryon

1 - Hacer la Pregunta

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos encontramos en un nodo, un lugar de enseñanza, un lugar de belleza, un lugar de energía. Es diferente de la mayoría. A diferencia de la mayoría, que están puntualizados, o sea que suelen ocupar una montaña o un área, este es vasto. Representa a la sabiduría indígena que todavía existe aquí, enseñanzas que permanecen verdaderas hasta hoy, que funcionan, verdades centrales y cosmología que pueden estudiar y honrar. Algunas de las enseñanzas originales todavía están entre los indígenas, de ciertas maneras que no han cambiado, que tienen que buscarlas trabajosamente. Las cosas cambian con el tiempo, debido al libre albedrío, debido a las influencias, pero aquí la tierra habla más alto, queridos. Esta tierra les contará sobre las cosas que han estado aquí, las que están ante ustedes y son preciosas, y la tierra les da la bienvenida de regreso.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, December 29, 2019


Dear Ones, what we want you to really understand is there can be great joy in not knowing what is next as you are poised to move forward into the energies of 2020 and beyond. Think of young children. They come into the body with a remembrance of how to simply be. They naturally embrace their curiosity, imaginations, and sense of wonder, which are all essential elements of creation. They embrace the full potential of each now moment. All of these are higher vibrating traits that many of you lose as you mature into adults.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Just Send Unconditional Love - December 29, 2019

Just Send Unconditional Love

When a challenging situation presents itself, take a very large step back and see it for what it really is. There are many people in your world who have absolutely no concept of peace. They will resort to anger, rage, resentment, sadness or anxiety to move through their lives. Keep in mind that it has nothing to do with you! (Smiling) They are engaging in and looping programs, regardless of how destructive, that make them feel safe and secure. It is not your responsibility to make it better for them…they must discover it on their own. Just continue sending Unconditional Love and know they will be taken care of. ~ Creator

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Ride the Wave of the Energies Taking you into 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very impressed with your ability to bounce back from a disappointment, or a series of disappointments, as you experience them in your personal lives and as a collective. You have been privy to many predictions about what will happen, or what might happen, and you have seen the changes in those predictions over the years, because time and time again you do not get what you want.

Schumann Resonance Today – Update - December 29 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

December 29 2019 – 13:30 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

Risonanza Schumann Oggi -Dipendenze dell'ampiezza della Risonanza Schumann
  • 12/29 13:30 UTC – In the second part of the day shown in the graph it is highlighted how the intensity of the variations has remained substantially unchanged and has generated the strongest peak of the day at Power 93. It seems that, suddenly as they started, the movements have rapidly dropped to normal values at 12 UTC. Tell Us What You Feel!
  • 12/29 09:00 UTC – The situation changed suddenly at 23 UTC when a series of movements began and led the amplitude values to reach Power 72 at 7 UTC, from that moment onward the amplitude remained on values between Power 65 and Power 80 with the peak maximum at Power 82 at 1:30 and 2 UTC..
  • 12/28 17:00 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/27 17:00 UTC – Calm.

sábado, diciembre 28, 2019

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Sundeelia: What is a Pleiadian High Council? - Dec 28, 2019

Quite often when reading or surveying an article or message for possible posting on Blue Dragon Journal I will notice the authors/channeler referencing the Pleiadian High Council or even ‘councils’. Perhaps this term is used to give some cache to the message, but in my experience, it is terminology that is highly misleading.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Message From Your Own Higher SELF - December 28, 2019


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie



Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, December 28, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, December 28, 2019

You are learning to receive grace.

In order to deem yourself worthy
you must come to the altar of your heart
seeing your innocence
redefining your reality into one of wholeness.

Anna Merkaba - El Morya –The Event – Energy Update – Ordinary to Extraordinary - December 28, 2019

Discover your True Self through the Vibrational Messages from Behind the Veil

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe, the channeling that you are about to read comes to us from El Morya.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that the times ahead are prone to bring all of you to heights unimaginable prior to the opening of said magnanimous portals, to the biggest event in the history of your planet.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - 2020 - Newport, California, 8 de Diciembre de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Newport, California, 8 de Diciembre de 2019

2 - 2020

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ha sido un largo día, lleno de enseñanza, descubrimiento, revelación, instrucción. Compasión, benevolencia, belleza. Y deseo cerrar esta ocasión con información. Tradicionalmente, en esta reunión particular al finalizar el año, la reunión del salón de origen, yo les cuento un poco sobre lo que hay en el Campo, y siempre he hecho eso. Queridos, esto no es predicción; esto es lo que está

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, December 28, 2019


Many of you are experiencing a space of not knowing. Not knowing what is next for you, which direction to go in, or even who you are or what brings you joy. While we understand this can be disconcerting, this is actually a very good thing and proof positive of the work you have done.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Trust And Believe - December 28, 2019

Trust And Believe

The Universe is asking you to trust and believe, always trust and believe. Some of you say the words but, neglect to apply the same principles to yourselves. You are being given the wonderful and joyous opportunity to put theory into practice! During this process remember…you are loved, supported, cherished, provided for and protected always. ~ Creator

Schumann Resonance Today – Update - December 28 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

December 28 2019 – 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

Risonanza Schumann Oggi -Dipendenze dell'ampiezza della Risonanza Schumann
  • 12/28 17:00 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/27 17:00 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/27 13:30 UTC – What appears to be all of today’s activity took place in four hours, from 4 to 8 UTC. During this period there were 4 peaks, each stronger than the previous one, and the last one at 7:30 UTC at Power 38 was the strongest.
  • 12/26 17:00 UTC – Calm.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Joining the Galactic Federation - Dec 28, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to explore the possibility that humanity will be joining the galactic community in less than two years. We are talking about full membership in the galactic federation, something that those of you receiving this transmission are very eager to experience. You want to meet your fellow beings out there in the stars and for those meetings to happen on a regular basis. You don’t want to have to wait for a visitation in the middle of the night where one of your e.t. friends comes in through a portal or through the window, and we want this for humanity as well.

Celia Fenn - The sacred sites and vortexes are lighting up like never before! - Dec 28, 2019

The sacred sites and vortexes are lighting up like never before!

I live on the slopes of a mountain that belongs to the Table Mountain range here in Cape Town. I understand now why Spirit wanted me to move here. Table Mountain is a Sacred site and a major planetary vortex.

The place is just humming!!!!

I feel like I am in another dimension and everything looks bigger and brighter.

It feels to me like Earth is reconnecting with her Original Template and Mission...to be a Sacred Planet.

Starting with the reactivation of Sacred sites and their reconnection to their Galactic Sources.

Anyone else feeling Sacred site or high vortex energy today?

Asara Adams - The Latest Energy Update From AA Michael - Dec 28, 2019

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Currently, you are moving through a powerful energy portal.

This energy portal is generating fertile grounds for you to plant the seeds for your New Year.