
martes, noviembre 12, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Sacred Seals and Ceremony - Nov 12, 2019

The blinding light of the Central Sun and its golden hues of majestic glory, penetrate the subconscious realms of all memory.

Stored in the recesses of ~ to be revealed, we enter the temple, as the heavenly music, leads the way.

The beatific golden doors open wide and the rejoicing begins, as the glorious ascended beings, announce the beginning of the ceremony.

Angelic beings surround us now, as we sit on the seat of preparedness, awaiting the calling of our name.

We hear the trumpets sounding and the rising of the people, as the awaited revealing begins.

We stand and step forward as we hear our names being called and the sacred seals begin to descend as glittering light upon our heads.

We feel the bursting of flames within our hearts and the sacred temple lights up like one thousand suns. Like never before.

We take our seats as the thrones prepared for us, rise up before us.

We stand now as all of the Light, becomes us now.

We look and see ourselves on Earth, rise too, and we merge our light with our Earthly forms.

We carry the seals in our Light body and they descend on Earth and become part of our eternal signature. We are sealed with this glory with the heavenly hosts as our witness.

We lead the way to the golden path, as the temple descends onto earth once again.

All that have received the seals, expands their light to include all on Earth. Heaven merges here ~ through the temple doors.

All hearts everywhere rise as they feel the flames of glory ignite anew within their own hearts.

The trumpets sound once again throughout the Earth and all rise as they are clothed in majestic light, once again.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.