
martes, noviembre 26, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Questions and Answers With The Divine Council of Overseers - Nov 26

Questions and answers with The Divine Council of Overseers.

What is this profound state of flow that is your Heaven on Earth?

It is the natural ORIGINAL You that definitely exists now!

What is this access point of awareness so as to align?

It is your Heart space, a frequency; a RESONATION.

What is bliss?

It is the deep union state of Being that is your holy union.

What is magical?

Magical is the glory of the moment ~ which is hidden in its truth for many consciously unaware.

How can we be aware in the moment?

Let go of all else except what only is now and recognize align with its perfection.

What is perfection?

It is the true you eternally.

What is eternity?

It is the space and dimension of frequency where you exist THROUGH and have access to all that you are everywhere, all at once.

What is all at once?

Everything, everywhere, there is no separation at this pure level of awareness.

What is awareness?

Awareness is the frequency level through which your subconscious and conscious mind have merged.

What is the subconscious?

The subconscious is for most the hidden parts in the blueprint that are suppressed consciously that are memories based on fear that react in the fight or flight syndrome.

What happens to the subconscious when we ascend?

It no longer is the subconscious hidden part, it is freed as memory and karma and becomes the unified force of awareness that only knows itself as the eternal being that it is.

Is this the ascension process?

Yes, to be freed from all that is hidden that blocks WHAT is NOW in its awareness which prevents conscious full union NOW.

Ascension is a state of consciousness?

Yes it is ~ it is the FULLY Unified Human Being who has descended through the incarnation EARTH program, only to be unified, consciously once again.

Are many ready to be unified?

There are some Beings that walk the Earth unified in consciousness with their eternal Being Now. Many more will soon graduate from this Earth School and be the beacons to the students of the Earth School.

Do we have to leave Earth to ascend?

There are some that have walked the Earth for millennia, as FORM and consciousness is not what it appears to be, to those in separation consciousness.

Does our reality appear changed when we ascend?

YES ~ it does for moment to moment in the experience of eternal flow. So now and now, yes. Yet eternally you are the same at the highest levels, that is your unique consciousness flow.

What will the birthing and holy marriage be like?

It is beyond the imagination until the moment occurs for those going through this in their current incarnation. It is a profound remembering and merging in sacred space, that when it occurs, only knows oneself only as the eternal self BEING.

Are you helping us now?

We are activating all through this. As the frequency impulses translate to the activation of what already is imbedded in the blueprints of ALL on this program. We activate your DNA now. In love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.