
domingo, noviembre 10, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - 11:11 ~ You and Your Light Body - Nov 10, 2019

11:11:11 ~ The 11th month, the 11th day, the 11th hour. It is no coincidence these sacred frequencies belong to the remembrance of what others have gone through. To their selfless acts, to the end of war. To peace and love, all now.

The eternal portal you wish to be activated into, is that of harmonizing with your Light Body. This requires the internal state of being in harmony for that actualization to take place within you.

To harmonize with your Light Body is to be in ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR eternal consciousness as light. Your Light body is harmony, is light and exists beyond time and space as you know it.

This eternal GLORY of you as your Light Body exists now.

It is this alignment and unification with the Human aspect of you in form with your Light Body, that you desire.

11:11 ~ enter sacred space. Enter your heart. Enter the eternal portal of your unification to the New Earth/5th Dimensional Being, you so desire.

How to get from your head to your heart? Create sacred space as the container of you through all of your experiences, through every breath, consciously.

Even the focus on this and repeatedly bringing yourself back to the awareness of this, is the process of your Ascension and complete unification, through your heart.

Be conscious, be selfless in that, the human you that wants things to be a certain way for you, releases its stronghold and attachments to control and power over the heart.

No matter what one attains materially ~ it does not bring the fulfillment of the heart and life plan/soul/destiny. Which is why you are here. And will continue to be here, till you complete your agreement.

Ultimately this is a surrender. And allowing, your true self, to take over. Your true self is through your heart and eternal. So this 11:11 ~ experience, is of that. For that, is that, eternally.

It is you to you, the human you to the eternal you, the accessing of this, is through your heart. The unification is the sacred marriage, is the sacred space, is the fulfillment and GLORY of your Light Body, your Love, your Divine Ascended Being, all now.

Hold this sacred space as the awareness that unifies you to you. You with your Light body. You with your complete transformation. You with your eternal Light and Divine Presence. Through love. In love, we The Divine Council of Overseers, initiate you now.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.