
jueves, octubre 24, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - New Moon in Scorpio, October 27/28th, 2019 ~ All Bets Are Off - Oct 24, 2019

Unpredictable, outlandish, crazy, wild, you name it, anything is possible with this New Moon! One thing or sure it is on October 28th, 2019, at 12:38 am ADT.

Be ready for shocking, exciting, out of the norm, experiences, opportunities and reactions. Some people may even go crazy.

The question will be how do you respond to unpredictable events, people, reactions?

This is the beginning of a new cycle and will last till the next New Moon on November 12th, 2019. With the Sun conjunct Moon (New Moon aspect) a fresh start is about to be experienced. With sudden shock factors, impulses, and opportunities ablaze.

The New Moon in Scorpio is opposite Uranus. This favours all things unpredictable. Shocks, accidents, transformations, sudden opportunities, changes in relationships, mysterious encounters, all profoundly pushing one to the depths of inner understanding and knowing of oneself. Scorpio is the depths and transformation, Uranus is the shocking and sudden.

KNOW YOURSELF ~ will be the motto also for this NEW MOON cycle.

This is very powerful, this will be experienced through the Mercury Retrograde period (October 31 ~ November 20th, 2019) so be present in order to use this for your ultimate transformation on the stage of your life.

Stay present in your heart, what you focus on plays out. Let it be one of harmony within. Stay true to your heart focus. To love, to life and ALL that unfolds. We bless you NOW. With The Divine Council of Overseers. Activating you now, in love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.