
lunes, octubre 21, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Crystal Magic And Beings Of Light - Oct 21, 2019

Crystal magic takes place through the connection between you the beings connected to the crystals.

Crystals are not inanimate objects, they are vibrating light frequencies. Just as all beings are unique vibratory frequencies so too are crystals and the beings connected to them.

So when we look at crystals and their associated attributes, we are peering into the frequencies of the vibration that they hold. Sensing or wondering if we do in fact hold resonance with them is one way we can know if this crystal is for us.

Having said that, many will simply appear, when ready to receive them. Some of the beings if our frequency is a match, desire to be with us and connect. They will simply make it happen.

Some are teachers, some are lifetime friends, some come and go like the wind, heading off to a new found home.

The way to deeply connect with yourself and the crystal being at hand, is through your heart. When you truly enter your heart you will know and understand that there is no distance or separation at all. The dimensions are not OUT THERE far away, there is no such thing like that existing through the heart. Through your heart it is all now, and it is all here.

So with your crystals the magic again, is through the connection.

The true connector is the heart. So to experience the magic of life, of crystals of beings, of oneself ETERNALLY ~ we must open are heart and be present.

Hold your crystals to your heart offer a pure authentic welcoming and love. Wait then quietly for a response.

They have life and magic within them, they hold the frequency of magical worlds and realms.

To AWAKEN THEM ~ is to awaken yourself through your heart.

I have experienced witnessing many people with their crystals that have gone dormant as they have not yet awakened to them ~ to their heart, you see.

So the power, the essence, the magic, the love, the realms of these sacred beings, CONNECT through the heart. Through the eternal YOU to them and their eternal being.

Planet Earth is all frequency and Light. Nothing is solid, nothing is as it seems to be through that which is not the heart.

Only the heart knows and sees and is connected already. This is how you experience your own Eternal Light.

Hold the sacredness of you and the sacredness of the beings through the crystals, close to your heart. Feel a love beyond description. Or need to define. OPEN to the love, the magic, the realms of the truly magical and mystical.

In this we activate you. We are The Divine Council of Overseers, in love and through the sacredness of the eternal.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.