
miércoles, octubre 02, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Conditional Love versus Unconditional Love - Oct 2, 2019

So many say they love someone unconditionally, but do they?

If we have conditions on our own self love, then we have conditions on loving someone else.

So ,many say they have met their twin flame, yet they are not yet filled with true unconditional love for themselves, so how can that be?

We attract our current state of consciousness.

If we are in the process of preparation and clearing past life memories in the blueprint, which all stems from fear and separation (the opposite of love) then we attract to our benefit, what most will help us to SEE and know what this lack attracts.

The purpose of reincarnation is to evolve.

To become what we originally ARE.

What we originally are is a union state of consciousness, that knows not separation or fear.

If we have not forgiven ourselves, no one else will forgive us.

If we do not unconditionally love ourselves how can we expect someone else will?

This seems to be the average experience involving denial and escapism.

I NEED love therefore I will get it from someone else. This is a state of conditional love and reveals itself as the conditions we have placed on our own level of self love. NO exceptions.

We are attracting what we ARE.

Control and attempting to control the other also reveals insecurities and doubts within ourselves. Then this control becomes the doubt in the other.

It is a MIRROR ~ what are you expecting?

I am not saying every single action of others is our cause. Quite the opposite. They are living in their own limited version of love and looking for exactly what they are insecure about themselves.

Often families incarnate with similar “memories” too clear. It could be the opposite but work to ignite each other. One has power issues misuses it, the other is developing the awareness of the correct use of power.

LIFE has never been out to get you.

It is there for your to awaken to, what it is, is the cause of your level. It is always leading you to your next level.

The next level is more self love, as there will be no perfect unions consciously, till both are immersed in this self love being ness.

I want this, I want that, or that is not love, if in itself FAR from unconditional love.

When we love ourselves we ask nothing of ourselves.

We awaken to it is our Divinity, that we only count on. That perfect stream of unconditional love, that has no attachments, and flows freely, as if a pure innocent child.

This innocence state of consciousness is your Original state of being.

It lets other be, because it lets your own being, simply be. It is the highest and purest unconditional love.

In this, we initiate you, into more and more of what you eternally ARE. In love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

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