
sábado, septiembre 21, 2019


(Dear Readers, I will be giving this picture away page by page via my blog.  I hope you enjoy it. Below is the first page of my newest book:  PICTURES AND WORDS. 

I will be presenting it one page at a time.)
Pictures mean different things to different people. Therefore, we all would enjoy reading other peoples comments about how they experience each section.


I am presenting pictures with just a few words. In fact, that is how communication began when we were babies. First, we could “see the pictures” of life all around us and “hear the words.” However, without the pictures, the words were too difficult to understand.
Then, as we began to “grow up,” we were ready for a clearer form of inter-personal communication and learned how to use words rather than cry and to understand what the words meant. 
Of course, just as we did not understand everything that we heard, or always speak clearly, we began to deeply listen to the words, and observe the pictures that seemed to match certain words.
It was this attention on hearing, we will develop our own method of speaking in a manner that others can deeply understand us. 
But to gain this type of communication, we needed to look at the pictures around us and on the face of the person to whom we were speaking. We also learned to attend to others deeply enough to fully understand what others were saying to us. 
 Now, we need to remember that we ARE returning to our fifth dimensional SELF.  This “return to SELF” will begin with learning our to communicate with our own Higher SELF, as well as other higher dimensional beings. 
As we return to our fifth dimensional SELF, we will be learning and remembering that our fifth dimensional language is based on allowing the pictures that we feel in our heart and mind to connect with words and sounds that best represent the thought and feelings that we are receiving. 
It is in learning, remembering, and feeling how the unity of what we see, what we hear, and also, what we feel will begin to awaken our own version of Light Language. It is in this manner that we are beginning to experience how we can speak and hear Light Languagethrough our higher dimensional expressions of SELF.
Then, as we begin our “return to our true, fifth dimensional SELF,” we will be called on to connect our third, fourth, and fifth, dimensional frequency of hearing and seeing in order to fully remember our “fifth dimensional – Inter-dimensional” Light Language. 
This higher, fifth dimensional, Light Language is also “Inter-dimensional” language, as it is the manner in which we communicate, and have communicated, while wearing our fifth dimensional Light Body. 
This fifth dimensional language is inter-dimensional because this frequency of language allows pictures and words to join together in a manner that expands communications to embrace the third, fourth, and fifth dimensional means of communication. 
As we allow our awareness to fully, and simultaneously, unite our heart and our mind, this unity will activate portions of our brain that have formerly been unused. More and more of humanity is beginning to remember their own Higher Self who resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. 
When we communicate with our higher, fifth SELF, we open a portal of light that allows the merging of our fifth dimensional pictures and fifth dimensional words which will serve to expand our consciousness and communications into the frequency waves of fifth dimensional communication.
When we can also remember to merge the higher dimensional pictures and share our experience with others via our own higher dimensional words, these higher dimensional pictures and words will unite within our heart and mind. 
Then, the formerly invisible “words and sounds” can join together to create a Higher Dimensional Communication with others, and most important , a higher dimensional communication with our own Higher Dimensional SELF.
This higher dimensional communication is created by a blending of what we hear and see within our Heart, our Mind, our Imagination, and very importantly, within our own Higher Dimensional SELF.
One of the first things that humans forget after their birth is their own Higher SELF. Of course, because the frequency of Gaia is slowly rising, more and more humans are having the experience of communicating with beings that can only be perceived by merging with their Multidimensional SELF. 
Many of us are still confused by the concept of “Inter-dimensional Communication,” but we are learning that if we can believe in our own SELF, especially our own Multidimensional SELF, the fear of the unknown diminishes, and the excitement of consciously experiencing a higher dimensional reality expands. 
As speaking and hearing blur into the feeling, and experiencing inner pictures and words, many of us will replicate our inner visions via pictures and words that can be shared with others in our physical world.
It is the growing understanding of your own “Hear/Speak” that is the beginning of your own understanding of Light Language. Also, as you merge more and more with your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF, we will merge more and more deeply with our innate Light Language.
First, I will presenting the pictures and words component of this book. Then, I will present some questions and explanation at the end of the book. In fact, that is how communication began when we were babies. First, we could “see the pictures” of life all around us and “hear words,” but we did not, yet, understand what we were receiving. 
Then, as we began to “mature,” we could blend the pictures that we saw with the words that we could hear. NOW, the process is no longer a process of learning, but a process of remembering what we forgot when we left our fifth dimensional Home to enter our third dimensional physical body.
As more and more of us are awakening to, and communicating with, our own Higher Dimensional SELF, we are learning and remembering our innate Fifth Dimensional and Inter-Dimensional language. 
When we first entered the third dimension, one of our greatest challenges was to understand what others were “saying to us.” Fifth dimensional language allows the pictures and lights that come into our vision to connect with the words and sounds that come into our hearing. 
Then, as we begin to merge and blend the “words/sounds” with the “lights/pictures,” we began to remember, and gradually, or quickly, experience the Light Language of our Higher Dimensional SELF. What if we decided to consciously remember this experience of our “Return to SELF?”
We learned to read with our “primer books,” in which there was a big picture with some words at the bottom of the page that explained the pictures. 
Now, as adults, we no longer need our “primer book,” but we DO need to remember our own Higher Dimensional SELF! This “teacher” is above and within us, patiently waiting for us to remember that pictures have words and words have pictures
But can we remember to LOOK for these inner/higher dimensional pictures and HEAR these inner/higher dimensional words?
(Dear Readers, I will be giving this picture away page by page via my blog.  I hope you enjoy it. Below is the first page of my newest book:  PICTURES AND WORDS. 
I will be presenting it one page at a time.)

Pictures mean different things to different people. Therefore, we all would enjoy reading other peoples comments about how they experience each section.

(Dear Readers, I will be giving this picture away page by page via my blog.  I hope you enjoy it. Below is the first page of my newest book:  PICTURES AND WORDS. 
I will be presenting it one page at a time.)

Pictures mean different things to different people. Therefore, we all would enjoy reading other peoples comments about how they experience each section.