
miércoles, septiembre 18, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Equinox, September 23rd, 2019 ~ Life and Death; Rebirth - Sep 18

On September 23rd, 2019 at 4:50 a.m. ADT, the astronomical Autumnal (fall) equinox takes place in the northern hemisphere. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, this marks the Spring equinox.

Equal light, between night and day. The subconscious and conscious. Masculine and feminine, balance. Life and death and rebirth.

These are all on the table. They are also experienced in every moment to moment of life.

When the Fall Equinox occurs the Sun crosses the celestial equator, from North to South. This marks the end of summer and the beginning of FALL. Each moment is new, each day, sunset and sunrise, is a death and rebirth. Each season also, activates different aspects of consciousness.

With equal day and night ~ we pass through a portal of rebirth.

We begin to experience greater darkness (activation of the subconscious mind) which prepares us also for the shortest day of daylight, the winter solstice. Then another rebirth.

Every day you have access to this sacred ritual of awakening.

Each morning when you rise ~ welcome the new you and as you enter sleep and the greater aspects of your subconscious (the darkness) you prepare to awaken once again anew.

Cycles and rhythms are also very symbolic of life on planet Earth.

When we acknowledge the aspects, MOMENT to moment, we live, we breathe, we die and we are reborn, continuously.

Celebrating, whether; the Fall or Spring Equinox, we acknowledge this transition, with our own inner transitions.

WE go deeper within, recognizing the patterns in nature, with the Sun and Moon, with our emotions, thoughts and feelings.

As we delve deeper into these rituals of awakening though these seasonal, monthly, daily and then moment to moment transitions, we become the flow, the love, the living and breathing life here, now.

Cherishing all moments, we breathe in the sun and the darkness of the night sky, respecting the transitions and our own as part of living.

We die and we are reborn, continuously.

Accept this now and feel the forever aspect of all of this. As transitions, as portals, as NOW.

Never ending, always being, without a beginning or end. WE still experience energetic transitions. All life does throughout the universe. This is all moment to moment.

Embrace the light and the hidden aspects of being (the subconscious) and love all of it.

Enter the sacred ritual and magic of THIS. Of You now!

Love yourself.

Love the seasons.

Love the days.

Love the moments.

Enter the eternal portals of being now.

In love, always.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.