
lunes, septiembre 23, 2019

Judith Kusel - Energy Update - September 23, 2019

If you have a sense of being cleaved open and to the core, then know these are the energies now pouring in.

We are being asked to become authentic, truthful, real.

With it a certain degree of the old memories, the old stuff will resurface which we will have to deal with now, and allow to dissolve.

There is so much re-birth going on, on all levels. Multi-dimensional, inner earth, upper earth, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Add to this that our relationships will get tested and what is not authentic and real come to the surface, so that we can start to open the heart more, even if it feels like being cleaved open at times, like an open heart surgery.

Allow these energies to work with you. Don't resist.

So much lies deeply buried in the subconscious and is now being churned up, so that we can become conscious of what needs to be released, cleansed and cleared away, forgiven and let go of.
Within every ending, lie the seeds of new beginnings.

Within every single memory bank, lie the seeds of what created that memory bank, negative or positive. 

We need to weed out of our collective gardens, all those weeds which are stemming our highest growth potential, prune out the dried branches, and cut down the undergrowth and the overgrowth, so that we can blossom forth!

New beginnings are at hand!

Judith Kusel 
