martes, agosto 06, 2019
L’Aura Pleiadian - Timelines and Portals ~ Levels of Consciousness - Aug 6, 2019
THE Use of the Gregorian calendar on Earth, is not the accurate calendar based on the seasons, the moon cycles, the alignment with the stars. This is what a calendar was. It followed the natural cycles on Earth. A measurement of the flow of the celestial bodies and their alignment.
As an example, the true birthday, so called every year, is meant to depict the return to the Sun and its alignment with the stars, close to the same position in the sky. This movement is not based on or represented by the current calendar in use.
So when we say dates….as markers, they are not necessarily the true makers of that energy or its shift, or alignment.
When we look at what a calendar is at the truest level, it is about the cycles, the Sun and Moon, the position of the celestial bodies.
The ENERGY alignment of all of this, and the seasons. NOT what a number says….or a date on the Gregorian calendar. Or a time on a clock.
What the measurement Is ~ is a frequency ~ of energy, connected to the energetic movement and flow of positions and alignments, Sun, Earth Moon, equinoxes.
These are energy events and are not based on the clock or a calendar.
PORTALS are energetic reference points of consciousness ~ that are available to YOU and open up to you when you are ready for your next level. For your next initiations. They have nothing to do with a clock ticking or a Gregorian calendar.
DIMENSIONS are levels of awareness consciousness. They have nothing to do with distance, clock time, or a calendar.
Parallel worlds, ARE all NOW. They are not connected to clocks or calendars, or distance.
Timeline shifts, are parallel world shifts of CONSCIOUSNESS experience. Where you step into a new reality through a parallel world. THEY are not based on a clock, a travel distance or a calendar.
All Portals, Dimensions, Parallel worlds and shifts in consciousness have nothing to do with a clock, a calendar, or a distance.
They HAVE to do with levels of awareness. The higher levels of awareness, INVOLVE you living consciously THROUGH your HEART, as being an ETERNAL Being. Here now.
It is the mystical marriage of the merging of the small YOU (functioning in the obsolete program of 3D) with the eternal YOU.
Your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual BODIES merge with the Higher Cosmic Self YOU. The Eternal You.
This aligns you with the eternal flow of your consciousness and all aspects of your Being. ALL parallel worlds, all dimensions, all existences. That KNOW NOT time, distance, or a calendar. All Now.
Enter NOW your Heart. It is the portal through which you are initiated and access all the dimensions and levels.
Through your heart NOW exists. Through your heart ~ love exists, purely, truly and eternally, always.
Through your HEART ~ in the present moment, ALL Miracles exist, here and now.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.
Ángeles de Crystal