
sábado, julio 06, 2019

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, July 6, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, July 6, 2019

When you allow yourself to experience that which arrives
without resistance
you are moving into a place of power and mastery.

Each day you are experiencing your consciousness
and you are selecting the lessons you will master. 

If you argue with the teacher you will probably not learn a whole lot, 
and you will have to go back to class and relearn the lesson.

When the emotions of fear or anger or guilt or shame arise,
remember to pause and to breathe,
and to realize that the moment is coming to you as a gift for healing.

As you would allow yourself to learn the lesson and receive the healing.

As you would refrain from arguing with the moment, or resisting its teaching,

As you would remember to breathe and receive.
