
sábado, julio 06, 2019

Celia Fenn - Energy Update - July 6, 2019

After the Eclipse on the 2nd we entered into a fairly unstable time energetically speaking, in which codes and geometries are realigning in preparation for the 8/8 Star Gate and the 2020 cycle.

I found this quite taxing on the physical level, feeling very tired and just wanting to sleep in the day and not being able to sleep at night. (It is winter here and cold and rainy at the moment.)

When I tuned into the energies I saw Sacred Geometries in the higher dimensions that were in flux as new codes were inserted to shift patterns after the Eclipse. This resulted in intense shifts in individuals and in the Collective as well as in the Planet itself. We have seen this in the heatwave in Europe and the Earthquakes in California.

We can also expect more expressions of expansion and growth in the time leading up to the Lions Gate.

Do not fear...we got this......love leads the way in creating the New and the New Earth.