
jueves, junio 06, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Quantum Photonic Light Energy Lives, Breathes, Communicates... (+ Current Cosmic Energy Update) - June 6, 2019

High high high photonic activity ♫ ... we are preparing for more gateways to open up.... while activating/anchoring immense "new" coding... these are "happy magical" frequencies thus far. ♥ InJOY!!! ♥

Massive crystalline influx as well........ ♦

Everyday is powerful codes.... it's just which ones we are cycling through at any given moment in space (time)....

Are you aware that photonic light is alive? It moves through your physical body to awaken, recode, detox/cleanse/purify/clear... as well as being visible on varying levels, dependent on how well your 3 eyes merge into ONE to see multi-dimensionally too. ♥

It breathes, it communicates, it moves... takes new geometric shapes and form to create... it's quite beautiful to experience (once the physical density clears)....

Photonic Light is your Pure Source Consciousness too, so it's YOU in your natural pure form.... the more you hold/embody, the purer you become/are... the "easier" multi-dimensional experiences are.

At first, it's challenging, as it "seeks" out anything of an old unconscious program to "re-write".... assisting with clearing out distortions that "got in the way" of pure realities here....

Photonic Light exacerbates distortions to assist all with hearing/seeing/feeling these... for easier clearing, recalibration processes here.

The more fight/struggle/resistance/holding on, the more challenging this will be for each.

Choose simplicity, ease and grace.... as the merging process is beyond important for all's multi-dimensional existence here. ♥

With love,

Lisa ☼