
viernes, mayo 31, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - New Moon, June 3rd, 2019 ~ Rising in Glory - May 31, 2019

This New Beginning ~ New YOU ~ New Moon in Gemini, is on June 3rd, 2019 at 7:01 am ADT.

Love and money, dreams coming true, abundance of joy, happiness, these are all potential aspects, activated through the energies of this New Moon THROUGH you.

As you continue to transform, releasing memories of the old ways of being and as you step more into Being the TRUE you. All the subconscious blocks as energetic karmic memories that play out in the background of your awareness, completely dissolve. This is your evolution after all.

These moments were always available to you. The frequencies and the alignments with the stars, interact with your consciousness in ways you would not even be able to dream of. This is the power of the DIVINE.

The celestial bodies of Light, interacting throughout the Universe, in majestic glory, activating ALL ~ throughout the Cosmos, as the Universal Cosmic Light, penetrates deeply all matter. Transforming everything, as all evolves.

This powerful new beginning, New Moon joins the fixed star Aldebaran in The Eye of The Bull. In the Taurus Constellation. This is an auspicious alignment with this New Moon, for fortune, love, happiness, as the energies interact and activate, all that are in alignment with these frequencies on all levels of being.

Tremendous Burts of energy, for this new beginning, Sun Conjunct Moon, will be available and the courage to start anew, to begin again. The impact of this New Moon, lasts till the Solar Eclipse on July 2nd, 2019.

Venus trine Pluto, during this New Moon phase, will add intensity with all things that bring you joy, romance, love and relationships.

So begin NOW ~ the conscious releasing of the old ways that do not represent the authentic you. Embrace your fears, OPEN your Heart, to that which is in alignment with the true you.

Your heart represents all that Is eternal and all that is NOW.

It does not speak as wavering dramatic, emotional releases. Your heart is quiet, it is still, it speaks softly of the eternal Divine love that you are.

Entering your heart then, you enter the solace of eternal love, that through the eternal Presence of You, sanctifies all experiences, into the ONE BEING OF YOU, rising in the eternal Glory ~ of its pure being.

We activate you now, in this the purity of your eternal Soul.

Through the Light of the Eternal Divine Presence of beauty, harmony. joy and love, we preside. As the united one Being, livings as its pure being, activating all now.

Higher dimensional portals through which we activate, open doorways in consciousness to the parallel worlds you desire to consciously know.

Shifting into new worlds of being, aligns the cusp of awareness, to expand into the conscious knowing of this glory that awaits this full initiation and activation, through these portals of awakening and glory. We activate now.

We are The Divine Council of Overseers, ever present, ever with you. In love we eternally know our Being and activate all through this, even now.

In love, Always and forever, NOW.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.