
lunes, mayo 27, 2019

awakening5dhealing - 1111 Cosmic Light Wave 444 Lightbody Activation - May 27, 2019

We are going in deep friends. The world is polarising, separating according to density of frequency. Some will remain in their memory loops, locked into denial, demonic possession or spiritual ego. Others will soar in the cosmic lightwave energies coming through. Those who are experiencing the full power of the current light wave are receiving a massive reboot to our mindbodyspirit

system. So intense, physical movement is challenging, thought processes are fuzzy, slow, disjointed, the ache to meditate is overwhelming. Routine pulls us out, responsibility ground us, self care encourages us to repair our whole being mind, body and spirit. We are ghosts in the machine for now. Awakening to our collective consciousness. Transmuting swathes of negative energy from the collective and our ancestral lines. We are coming into a profound space of energetic assimilation. Phase 4 has begun, triggered by the return of the Divine Feminine to the human consciousness.

Gaia’s transition has reached phase 4, assimilation. Lightbody activation, our bones lighten in density, our muscles lengthen, our spine loosens and elongates as our divine kundilini awakens and flows. Metamorphosis is not a passive process. We instigate receipt of upgrades, we then follow through on their opportunities for growth. Karmic clearing is required for the physical transformation to occur. Meditation is necessary to raise our vibrations above the toxic wavelengths of the matrix. We take responsibility for rewiring our motherboards in alignment with cosmic upgrades to our DNA. We receive downloads propelling us forward with insight for karmic growth. We embrace higher consciousness expansion and third eye connectivity to guides and higher self. We are being upgraded individually and as a species, preparing us for the final stages of quantum transition through the fourth and into fifth dimensional frequencies. The choppy sea we have to cross is the fourth realm. The material plane remains. Partly anchored to what remains of the matrix, partly in its new organic state birthed from the dark web and partly in the memories and minds of those still conscious on the material plane. We navigate the fourth realm where all the rules change. The game has changed friends. This is the red sea, the ghostly, trippy space between hell and heaven. Fifth dimension paramaters mark the transition from a war based mentality to peace, abundance and equality.

The Shift is a shift of energetic frequency anchored in our collective psyche. Separation began in early 2019, the lower vibratory fields anchored in humanities collective consciousness proved too heavy to rise. World politics maintains a perpetual state of chaos, deceit and depravity, serving their high lords of wealth, power and darkness to the bitter end. Separation has occurred because enough people woke up. Enough people chose the red pill and embraced the Light into their hearts. Not enough people to avoid separation, which was the original hope of all involved in assisting Gaia’s ascension. Political manoeuvres by the elite, the devil worshipping cabal, ensure a continued lockdown on progressive, compassionate policies. We remain in the turmoil of third dimension laws. Separated by matrix zones, travel has become a key focus for the matrix engineers, they target us most accurately during periods of travel. We are funnelled through the system, data to be read, subjected to hypnosis to ensure we are confused and unable to fully register our surroundings. The zoning of the matrix was always there, hidden in plain sight. The world is so much smaller than they tell us. Each zone operates according to its core coding. Separation of humanity engineered by the cabal in servitude to their pharaohs the Anunaki. The Anunaki use the Archon astral army to further reduce the integrity of human souls. Corrupting our motherboards, rendering us soulless hosts to parasitic entities hooked on matrix depravity.

The world is separating in front of our eyes. We see and experience the world according to our inner vibration in the fourth realm. The matrix used to appear elementally solid, locked down in third realm frequencies. The matrix no longer abides by those laws. If we are low in our frequency the world is taking on a really sinister, dark hue. Zombies hollowed out by addiction, creep and crawl the streets seeking their next hit or release from the pain of their demonic afflictions. All the dark truths are coming out to play. The shift has dropped a gear and accelerated again. We can fall off the matrix onto the astral, where it is not a good space, we must learn to cosmic surf the astral. Or we can raise our vibration and meditate through divine spaces of source love and light. Some of us are doing this all the time, our directive is to learn to navigate transdimensionality in the fourth realm. It takes time, effort, energy and great care to manage all versions of ourselves as we assimilate lower self with higher self. Do not rush the process, no matter how impatient you are for the starting pistol. Game on. Levelled up healing. Astral clearing. New Earth manifestation. We are still learning friends, be patient, follow guides messages and always listen to your gut. Stay in heart spaces to rebuff all negative energies external and internal.

The Divine Feminine energies anchored in the weaving of the Light Matrix during the Trinity Supermoon portal of 2019. Divine feminine energies now blossom in the collective consciousness of humanity. Mass transmutation of womb fear has been triggered. Women are stepping into a collective space of self love, sovereignty and power. Karmic clearing takes place across the collective. Lightworkers in female bodies are working hard to clear heavy karma from their own bloodlines and the collective. Crystalline light has ignited Gaia’s divine womb. Womben are birthing a new world. The fear anchoring humanity to the lower realms is largely being held in the wombs of girls and women. Our wombs know assault, rape and abuse of the female is rampant, a plague on the planet. The fear energies are passed from mother to daughter from the womb and earlier, on the DNA and in memory energies. If these words resonate seek focused healing from starseed healers activated for specific, focused collective Womb Healing (Google them, they’re out there). Just as Supernatural Lightwarriors are being activated, so too are healers, with highly skilled quantum training in the divine energies of womb consciousness. Womb healers are the human manifestation of divine feminine healing.

Divine Feminine cosmic lightwaves flooding Gaia, and us, for the last few years have reached maximum tipping point. Enough lightwave love has been anchored into the female consciousness for the clearing to begin. Heavy flows, intense pain, physical release of energetic traumas held in the collective womb are being triggered for release. Women are to break the barriers of envy, competition and distrust sown into our psyches by the matrix and reach out to each other. Divine tribal spaces of goddess light portals are required to shift the intensely dense and hard tumours of fear buried in womben. The awakening male will divinely assist in this transmutation of feminine fear frequencies by rewiring their matrix. Not behaving as they have been programmed to, instead responding to women as equals, as sharers in this lifetime, to contribute and connect with. The balance will be achieved when masculine and feminine energies exist in divine harmony. This will be the space we experience in the fifth dimensions.

Separation means acceleration of progression will occur as the toxic energies of the lower realms will remain there, playing out their primitive desires until there are no victims left. This is unfortunate but not unsurprising. It was recognised intergalactically that humanities proclivity to side with their demons, to feed their demons and to choose their demons, to elevate them to guide status and allow them to make most of their decisions, has derailed full ascension. Too many chose the black pill. Too many chose inertia, the comfort zone of the blue pill. Enough chose the red pill to facilitate ascension with Gaia. The hard work of volunteers, travellers, lightworkers, healers and teachers has ensured Gaia is not ascending alone. As it stands for now, we separate. We live through this separation and it is no small feat. We observe heaven and hell morphing in front of our eyes. We move between dimensional bandwidths. Sometimes we fall off our cosmic surfboard only to clamber back on with mindfulness, mantras and meditation.

The fourth realm is seriously trippy, exhilarating and mind expanding. If like me, you’ve been waiting your whole dang life for something to happen and are rejoicing that its finally actually happening, hold tight folks. For many of us… yes it’s started but we won’t reach full ascension for sometime. The matrix is a miserable, evil, nasty, cold, sinister space and we are scratching at the doors of perception to get out. However the process will take as long as it takes. We go through this assimilation process just as we faced our spiritual awakening, with a fearless willingness to heal and evolve. We push our way through months and years of physical, emotional and mental karmic clearing and lightbody activation. The directive for now cosmic surfers is hold our space. Our impatience to get on with our missions is palpable. Some will be clearing the astral from the material plane. Others create trojan horses under the very eye of the system, to spread the Light. Healers aching to rid humanity of its plagues, its infestation and tumours of toxins receive and embed downloads, training for future shamanic clearing.

The time is coming for a great leap further into the fourth. This current lightwave is a warm up friends. Learn to manage dimensional Bends as we fluctuate in our internal frequencies, responding to the chaotic fluctuations of external frequencies. Keep crying out the karma. Meditate as often as you can for downloads, source light healing and love vibration. Stay focused on making the world a better place by remaining in heart spaces as often as possible, detaching from emotional triggers and making your soul sovereignty your priority. There is no one to rescue us, we fish ourselves out the seas of low self esteem, neglect or trauma. Many of us are intensely frustrated with our environments, unable to completely declutter low vibratory people and places from our lives. We exist in the matrix for now, albeit a malfunctioning matrix. Each of us is walking our own path in this momentous ascension of a planet and her people. know you’re not the only lightworker ready to go and being held back. There is more karma to crunch, more spaces to clear, more changes to make, more expansion to occur before we are ready. Training programs are being downloaded in real time for preparation. Listen and look for the helping hand our guides are offering us, take it and run with it. Learn. This lightwave is a warm up for the big ones coming our way. Know that yes, we are highly skilled time travellers here with a mission, but we are also souls experiencing our own truth. Transition from 3rd to 5th, assimilate all you can friends. Everything is preparing us for a cosmic series of quantum leaps, shifts that will etch us higher up into the fourth realm.

Clearing has to occur on all dimensional frequencies if we are to ascend with Gaia. The process cannot be rushed. Relax into it. Stay focused on expansion, energetic training and mission downloads. Keep balancing all dimensional frequencies as best we can. Stay grounded and elevated with mantras. We are sacred saviours, travellers from far away galaxies, here to assist in the rescue and resuscitation of humanity on Gaia. Its not going to happen overnight. Yes we are all poised ready and waiting for the starting pistol, but no, according to all the folk on t’other side, we are not ready yet. The planets are not aligned for the next great leaps. The lightwaves we are experiencing are preparation for planetary portals. Further gateways that cover several weeks or months of linear human time, where days will melt into emotional energetic frequencies and our world will manifest as we exist. Keep the work going beautiful people, know our time is almost upon us. People we are going to be busy, working in teams, organised, fearless and focused. For now we train, we grow, we clear and we ground into our lives. In love and light beautiful people.