
jueves, abril 04, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - BEING ONE with ALL.... Encoding ALL Through Light ....- Shift and Allow 4/4/2019

​Aloha most beautiful Love Family,

These energies are BEyond Pristine. Several days of Stargates opening, body-field alignments/synchronizations and wow at all the "new" codes!

​Yesterday, I took a day... JUST TO BE....

phone off

computer off

no texts/replies

no emails/replies

no work work in service


Just BE/ME/WE time.....

To inJOY the magnificence, to BREATHE it all through, to honor and allow.... just "nothing"...... which is what the ENERGY called for.

Always such a PURE EXPERIENCE....

Pure Presence

Pure Love

Pure Gratitude

Pure Respect and appreciation

Pure Bliss

Pure Magic

Just Pure


Letting it all fall away.....

Trusting/knowing/seeing... all is exactly as it's Divinely aligned

All occurring exactly as we all agreed to

All shifting, re-tuning, re-calibrating and re-coding in Unison

This BEautiful tapestry of Sacred Geometrics

Observing the geometrics of REALities

Shift, recode and prepare new "coordinates" for the "next" REALities to come forth....

Observing the geometrics (matrixes) of words..... energy, beliefs and all....

Many are unaware, that part of our own ability to ENCODE LIGHT in all

For me, it's to observe/see the vibrational and energetic matrixes/coordinates encoded in every word

every sentence

every "act"

the entire field/reality

To have the ABILITY to recode and change the MATRIX of everything to intentionally transmit out the absolute highest codes/encodements with every word/breath/transmission.

Every word carefully chosen

Every word carefully placed

Every work intentional and relative to the ENERGIES PRESENT

Every "thing" transmitted

A multi-dimensional transmission

Encoded with Pure Love

Encoded with Pure Light

To DELIVER whatever activation/experience each is open to, ready for...... agreed to on a Soul Level here....

Every experience


With the ABILITY to shape, form, create fully

Through full Heart/Christed/Source Consciousness here

Yesterday, observing all the "new ways" to assist with expanded understandings and the "hows" to accomplish this with great ease.......

Just BEing....

And then, as energetically and highest aligned....


As Love

As Pure Divine Source Consciousness Light

To affect and make an impact

In the most important ways

That I have the capability to DO

By BEing this fully....

With every ounce of me....




All ready to BE this fully too....

The brilliance

The magnificence

The Magic that we ARE

The beauty


When we don't accept less

or Compromise (go/play small) anymore....

Are you ready?

Really really ready?

Then shift those priorities

Open completely UP

And embrace all FULLY....

allow it fully

from inside

bring it forth


from inside.....

And BE your most magnificent, amazing, beautiful YOU too! ♥

Today and EVERY day!

BE and DO your most amazing realities fully too!

With love, kindness and deep sacred respect,

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

p.s. I continue this flow as long as long as possible, as my physical work schedule is packed. Maneuvering "around" all... honoring all and kicking it royally in every way!

p.p.s. There are infinite Matrixes, coordinates and geometrics that make up each "reality". The KEY is to tune in vibrationally and then consciously RECODE your own in fully alignment through your own highest states of consciousness, inner access and abilities that you HOLD fully from within too! Diamond Light Encodements, Christed/Crystalline, Pure Source and others all have different geometric matrixes and codes .... The options are as infinite as WE ARE! InJOY!