
martes, abril 16, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Full Moon, April 19th, 2019 ~ Ready Or Not

This Full Moon in Libra on April 19th, 2019, at 8:12 am ADT is a powerful activator of imbalances within your consciousness. All Full Moons bring to light that which is in discrepancy between your subconscious (energetic memories; karma) and your desires and intentions.

Experiences are always working out for your evolution, even if you do not enjoy them, there is intelligence beyond this world at play, through all circumstances. The more you live truly trusting this, the greater the clearing of your karma as energetic impulses, held in the memory bank of the cosmos.

Your consciousness does not escape the program to which you agreed to before incarnation, it goes through, that which was agreed upon before arriving. The good and the seeming bad, do not take place through happenstance. All experiences are orchestrated for the best, for evolution.

The areas of consciousness that may be stimulated and activated, if a discrepancy exists within you subconscious (as memories not yet cleared) with your intentions on the previous new moon, may be related to arrogance, pride, better than thou, attitudes, and entitlement issues. All of these stem from fear and separation through past life hurt and pain or this life, where the closing off of openness of the heart occurred. These highly held pain memories; energetically charged, are what may be up, during this full moon, lasting till the next new moon.

Again all of this is for your evolution, as whatever is within your consciousness, as a frequency, signals out and the feedback loop is always perfect. You experience what you are vibrating as.

Emotions and feelings may run high, within you or with those around you. The answer is always the same, pause, do not do anything rash, reflect, breathe, and be present in the moment through your heart.

All issues of separation memories, exist within time frames. That is; if you are present, those fears are not alive in that state. That is why so many attempt to escape those feelings through temporary addictions or relationships, that feel good in the moment. Yet they are still there, waiting to be cleared within you, so that the impulses that were the closing off of your presence and heart, never occur again.

Instead what you will experience as things come up and you place your awareness on now and the moment through your heart (and in all moments) is the beatific presence of your eternal self, that absolves all, in the moment.

More about this is in my new book “Invoking Blessings” in which all in the subconscious is activated, with the presence of your Cosmic God Self, fully and consciously also, with you, in all moments.

With the Sun conjunct Uranus, the Moon opposite Uranus, the Moon quincunx Venus and with the asteroid Hybris conjunct the Full Moon anything is possible to be activated, through you.

Those that are ready, higher levels of awareness and Union with the eternal self is up on the table, to be present for you through your heart.

For those not ready with energy impulses of karma as memory still brewing in the subconscious, we have potential sudden disruptions, turmoil, any hidden agendas revealed, arrogance exaggerated and playing out, as if, pride cometh before the fall.

Again, all of this, whether appearing positive or negative, ARE for the benefit of all involved. There is no hidden agenda going on against you. Rather, everything is orchestrated for your evolution, to clear all that still remains of separation consciousness as memory traces within your subconscious.

Then the subconscious becomes conscious, you have access to all that you purely are.

Anger, jealousy, revenge, hatred, entitlement, manipulation, sadness, all stem from these energetic memories.

As if like a cosmic computer, monitoring always your frequency, activating and deactivating programs as beliefs through your energy, is what is GOING THROUGH YOU in all moments. When fully awake you are conscious of this, and all that goes through you, becomes, pure, eternal and love.

Activating you now, with The Divine Council of Overseer, in love, your full awakening as the Cosmic God Self, you eternally are and now.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.