
sábado, abril 06, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - As The Intensity INCREASES - April 6, 2019

What flows through me now, is WAY beyond anything EVER before!

This is about COMPLETE Transformation.

The intensity of the frequencies that are modifying consciousness as light matter, have reached a momentum and level of intensity, that is unparalleled.

In order to integrate the electrical bursts of intensified light into your conscious system of awareness, continuously enter your heart space. Stay focused on your breath and in the present moment.

The intensity of the opposing (opposite) frequencies may feel like a stronger pull away from your heart and into those of fear and mental ideas of separation. Know that AS part of the switch over, (from head to heart) the seeming draw towards fear, is part of the unravelling of its energetic memory impact on light frequency as consciousness. Specifically, your DNA.

This may feel like you are being tested, it is not a test. This is the dissolving of the old ways of being and may feel uncomfortable during your switchover; as the last remnants of fear, even those at the trace level, seem to scream wildly with its energetic memory system, ending.

We are with you and have been present for you before the first civilization on Mu. We are present now as the beings that orchestrate the configuration of light frequency as consciousness, playing out through matter ~ throughout this Universe.

Many of you are now entering the final Portal, to which; all fear, all old ways, will be completely abolished, and you will know yourself as a newly birthed BEING of LIGHT ~ a risen ~ Divine Master of Form.

We are with you every breath of the way, in all moments, and now.

We are The Divine Council of Overseers. Through the highest levels of Light frequencies and in eternal love, we anoint you now and we welcome you as you enter your final portal, in this ~ your complete transformation.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.