
domingo, abril 07, 2019

Denise Le Fay - Why Such Different Levels Of Ascension Pain? - Apriil 7, 2019

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Why Such Different Levels Of Ascension Pain?

“Like Anna, I also wonder and feel many times like asking you that the First Everythingers like Celia Fenn, Sandra Walter, Lisa Rene, Barbara Macinik, Aluna Joy, Lee Karol (Kryon) Inelia Benz etc. – do they also feel so awful while going through this AP/EP and for so long like you, me and so many who comment in this forum? I have read a couple of their posts but it doesn’t seem so. Especially those who channel some entities while all of us are going through so much in our lives in the name of AP/EP for nearly 20 years now. So what is the reason for our prolonged agony of AP/EP and theirs not? Do you have some insightfulness from your higher perspective? Please share. Thank you.” — revital71

Anna and revital71 both asked me this in Comments under a previous article. Thank you both for your questions about this confusing and complex subject matter. There’s a variety of reasons why some Volunteer First Everythingers/Pathpavers etc. experience much more ascension related physical pains and for longer periods than others. There isn’t one or two reasons for this but many. Here’s a few of them.

Compressed Evolution Is Painful

Some Ascension teachers/writers claim that if you are experiencing ascension related physical pains it’s entirely caused by your ego. That is true and true up to a certain point however it’s not true for most Volunteer First Everythingers/Pathpavers beyond a certain point.

Evolution hurts physically and in every other way too. When wildly higher frequency evolutionary Light energies, energy Waves, NEW codes, consciousness and DNA etc. comes into physical contact with a lower frequency physical human body with a matching frequency ego, consciousness and all the rest of it, it quite naturally causes not only physical pains but psychological, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic pains too. Not only is the physical body being repeatedly affected by higher Light energies continually pushing Universal, personal and collective across-the-cosmic-board evolution, but everything else is experiencing this too (cultures, societies, global belief systems, religious belief systems, financial systems and beliefs, political, governmental etc.) but each time by slightly higher and higher NEW frequency energies. These evolutionary Light energies have never been impacting each human at the same unchanging level and frequency but have constantly been doing so at slightly higher and higher levels over the past twenty years and counting. The reasons for this are simple; the physical human body, central nervous system (CNS) and complex psyche (and external physical reality etc.) could not handle going from such a dense carbon-based third dimensional dualized level, world and reality up to a much higher, less dense, crystalline-based fifth dimensional level and state of individually integrated unification and consciousness while remaining in their physical body. There are no instant Hollywood special effects with the Ascension Process. It is physically lived one energetic Stair-step at a time over linear time so the physical body, CNS and human psyche survive the colossal undertaking that is Universal evolution happening in this lifetime intact, undamaged and profoundly evolved.

There should be no shame or shaming in evolution. The difficulties, traumas, fears and uncertainties that every human ego goes through because of the natural evolutionary Ascension Process is normal for where we all began this process from! In the lower 3D pre-ascension Earth reality the human ego was lord n’ master and the dominant tool and perceptual lens on all of “reality”, so to suddenly have it start a Process of what it perceives is its unavoidable demise is terrifying so it fights hard for its continued survival, just like all else has that came from the old lower 3D patriarchal world. None of this is pretty, easy or pleasant for the most part but it is normal for compressed evolution. So I repeat, there is no shame or shaming in compressed evolution.

YOUR Volunteer Ascension Mission Ground Crew

Many of the ascension timeline Volunteer First Everythingers/Pathpavers were pre-incarnationally coded to automatically begin the Ascension Process in their physical bodies when the Sun reached the halfway point of it crossing the Galactic Equator around 1998—1999. [The ‘Galactic Alignment’ period unfolded from 1980–2016, making the halfway point 1998–1999.]

When the great call went out that help was needed with the upcoming Universal evolutionary Ascension Process, those who Volunteered to help intentionally inserted multiple aspects of themselves into different physical incarnations on Earth across thousands of years of linear time in different countries. They did this to individually learn and experience certain things themselves but to help with the Ascension Process would begin on the physical level many thousands of years in the linear “future”. Many Volunteers intentionally placed different aspects of themselves in different “past lives” on Earth across the astrological Ages, thousands of years apart and most of them in different countries and cultures etc. The reasons this was done was to have varied quantum crash-course educations in many of the great Initiatory Mastery Schools across time around the planet. My past life book The Temple of Master Hotei was one of these, as were two past lives in ancient Egypt, the second one a few thousand years later, and a couple other incarnations in Europe and the UK areas. Why did most of the Volunteers do this? It was deliberate prep Work for the timeline incarnation when the Ascension and Embodiment Processes would begin physically on Earth. They all did this to help the aspect that would be the one physically incarnate during the time of the actual physical level Ascension and Embodiment Processes on Earth. I’m talking about you reading this.

This is why most of you reading this incarnated in this life and time with multiple highly knowledgeable Initiate incarnations and credentials behind you. They all were meticulously planned to take place in locations around the world in different times and cultures so as to best prepare and help THIS aspect of you directly living, embodying, Embodying, seeding and anchoring the Ascension Process and NEW Light energies, codes, consciousness, HighHeart and DNA into you and your body for all future humans and more too.

If some of you are whirling from that larger and more complex realization and perspective of how valuable this version of you actually is —no pressure of course—here comes the extra responsibilities, pains, traumas, wisdom, benefits and integration Work because you are the Ascension Process ‘Standard bearer of your Soul’ (an old Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadian term) of your entire Ascension Mission Ground Crew.

When those who Volunteered to assist with the Universal Ascension Process placed multiple aspects of Itself into different incarnations in different times in different locations around the Earth, they did so to quickly and thoroughly educate themselves and give each aspect all of the Higher Awareness tools they needed to collectively aid the one aspect that would incarnate during the actual physical Ascension Process time on Earth. There are of course other aspects of US that did not incarnate into physical bodies in the third dimension but continued Working from different higher dimensions, different star systems, galaxies, Light realms and so on. I am however talking specifically about all those aspects of you/You/YOU that did incarnate physically on Earth across linear time to gain firsthand training and knowledge about being human, being physical, being in Duality etc.

As you hold that higher level perspective of yourself/selves and why they did this in your awareness, the next step is to reverse it all because it’s this version of you that’s currently bringing it all Home from the ascending physical dimension. The YOU that Volunteered and sent multiple aspects of Itself into different physical incarnations around Earth and across linear time, did so to quickly collect the necessary firsthand Initiate trainings, higher knowledge and important related experiences in both sexed bodies. YOU did this to aid the last aspect, which is this you reading this with your part of the Mission which is living the Ascension and Embodiment Processes in a physical body and seeding the NEW everything for humanity and more. This aspect of you is the one that’s doing all the other aspects the gift of energetically clearing everything each of them accumulated during all of their incarnations, which they did to help YOU here now. See how they prepared and gifted you with the training, tools and knowledge needed for this life and time of Ascension, and, how you’ve gifted them by energetically transmuting and clearing everything they held within each of themselves from having lived difficult lives learning all the things that were intended to help you do your part of the Ascension Process Work here, now.

You reading this are the aspect that’s been the one clearing all the past karma, traumas, negativity, wounds, etheric scars, negative etheric alien implants, guilt, fears, attacks, being different, being tortured and/or murdered for being the Light throughout the Darkest ages. You reading this are the aspect that’s been Working on resolving and clearing all the stuff and junk from all the other Volunteer Ground Crew aspects. Because of this and other reasons, you have had far more on your Ascension plate than most other people which means you’ve had more physical pains and other issues because you’ve processed far more over the past 20–30 years. Not everyone living the Ascension Process chose this quantum crash course multiple lives across linear time tactic which is why everyone does NOT have the same level of physical pains due to the Ascension Process. Not everyone was willing to risk so much and take on so many more pressures, responsibilities, pain, suffering, knowledge and power on within that one individual aspect—the you reading this—who was designed and greatly aided to incarnate and bring it all Home.

Beware Of The Egos

I know there are some ascension teachers/writers/lectures who have not publicly shared their personal Ascension Process journeys and related physical pains, emotional and psychological difficulties and attacks by Team Dark. I know some of the reasons why some decide to not share them with their readers. I know this because I’m someone who has intentionally shared my personal journey—the good, bad and the ugly of it—with my readers from the start and because of my honesty I’ve come under repeated ego-based, lack of higher awareness attacks, disrespect, preaching and promoting of other people’s information and insistence that I read it and/or someone’s channeled messages by certain readers. In their minds what I write about that’s based on my personal experiences and current Higher Awareness isn’t correct and they try to promote certain other people’s writings on my website. I could have spared myself all this bullshit by not publicly being honest and sharing what I’ve experienced but that’s not who and what I am and is the exact opposite of why I write about the Ascension Process. Light is information, even when it’s dark, unpleasant and painful.

Some Ascension teachers/writers haven’t publicly shared their personal ascension related pains and difficulties because they have always known that ego-based people with little to no Higher Awareness will immediately attack them for being honest, for being “transparent”. Those people are ever-ready to lecture you about what all you’re doing wrong. They see your honesty as weakness and automatically attack and insult, disrespect and preach what they believe to be “the truth” at you. They believe you haven’t eaten enough broccoli, haven’t mediated enough, haven’t cleared your energy field enough, are the only evil, haven’t had enough body workers work on your body for you, haven’t read the right channeled material or found the right teacher, guru, book, belief system and on and on. To unaware egoic people your honesty about what you have and are personally experiencing at your current level and ability is entirely wrong because they are stone-cold clueless about embodying (lower case e ) the Ascension energies, and Embodying (capital E ) your Higher Self/Selves, Crystalline Christ frequency, Triality, Divine Mother Father Source and more. But that’s how egos roll.

More importantly to me is the Work, the journey itself, and oftentimes the difficulties and in this case the downright negativity of what I have, you have, we have personally experienced and learned that’s so important to honestly share with others. Again, compressed evolution hurts, and in this case it’s been negative, dangerous and highly unpleasant at times too because where we started the Ascension Process from was total Darkness and negativity. To me it’s all part of the Ascension Process and no one part of it is better or more desirous than any other. I’m not saying I want any more attacks from Team Dark but I’m also not fixated on bliss or nirvana or any other sort of endless fluffiness, that’s too much old Duality consciousness for me. Get rid of the monsters, open your HighHeart, then keep opening it a lot more and continue doing that because it’s time to let a lotta Source God All That Is is back in and be Embodied. I may feel totally different tomorrow about this but for today, I’m content being this much closer with Source in and through my evolving, Embodying physical body and self. The Conscious Creating fun is up next.

Sensitives, Empaths & Ascension

This one is obvious. If you’re a Sensitive you automatically feel more from everything all the time and always have. If you’re an Empath you feel more from everyone else all the time and always have. Translated, you hurt more because you feel more yourself, and if you’re also an Empath you feel even more than that because you feel what other people feel. How adorable is that? And if all that wasn’t enough, during the current global Dark Night and Separation of Worlds, feeling humanity and Earth, Elementals and animals, planets and Suns etc. has been and often in 2019 is way too much which is another reason abundant quietude, privacy, physical stillness and self-care time is mandatory every day. The majority of pains Sensitives and Empaths have been feeling the past few years is due to the constant NEW and higher Light energies, NEW codes and DNA and simultaneously feeling humanity freaking out from experiencing the global Dark Night. It’s shit-show time out there and we’ve known it was coming for many years but none of that reduces what most of us are feeling coming from humanity and from the end of the global patriarchy. The amplified and in your face polarization taking place around the world is not easy for anyone and very much so for Sensitives and Empaths.

I feel other people whether I want to or not and in the world today with all that’s been going on in so many governments around the world, we empathic folks are being constanly bombarded by other people’s fears, egos, anger, hate, greed, stupidity, panic, lack of discernment, common sense and hourly increasing imbalance. For Sensitives and Empaths, which most Bluerays and other Volunteers are, just being alive now hurts more in every way imaginable. Whatever, keep Embodying and doing your job but know that you won’t always have to feel them like you have.

Team Light & Team Dark

Another reason many of us have always experienced more Ascension related pains than other people is because we’ve been the first ones under constant attack by Team Dark. It’s because we incarnated with an agenda and Light from Source. We’ve been on the most important Mission imaginable—breaking humanity, Earth and all else out of invisible Team Dark prison. And because Team Dark hasn’t wanted to lose anything they stole long ago, they fight back hard and continuously to survive this Ascension Process and Separation of Worlds and Timelines.

When a group (the Ground Crew) intentionally arrives on Earth to stop you from para-siting off of humanity and Earth anymore, those parasites typically attack that group. They don’t run down the street and randomly attack Joe Blow watching TV guzzling beers or whatever. They attack and continue attacking people within that group who they know are here now to end their reign of terror on humanity and Earth. Not much else needs to be said about this aspect of why some of us experience far more pain and painful attacks etc. than others. If there’s no threat, there’s no attacks.

What Sign Are You?

Another reason some are far more affected by the ascension energies has to do with their ASC — sign ascending or on the cusp of the first house, their Sun sign, house emphasis, element(s) emphasis, aspects and everything natal astrology related. If you’re familiar with Astrology then you know that some signs are naturally far more sensitive than others, and some signs are much less sensitive and so on. So, in all fairness, every persons individual energetic astrological template blueprint—what astrologers call their Natal Charts—should be taken into consideration in all this too.

For those of you with astrological knowledge, and can see into your own current life’s natal chart and understand exactly why you have the planets in the signs and houses and aspects and even transits too throughout the Ascension and Embodiment Process, you know your natal chart from a higher level of awareness and purpose and that is directly connected back to the YOUR Volunteer Ascension Mission Ground Crew information. Don’t you know that YOU would have you energetically imprinted at physical birth in this ascension incarnation with exactly what you needed astrologically to not only learn from this lifetime but do your Ascension Mission Work as a First Everythinger to the best and highest of all of your abilities? Every bit and aspect of all this is intentionally created with and for maximum and highest possibly end results for this you aspect and for All else as well during this Ascension Process. View your Natal Chart with this in heartmind, along with all the transits that have taken place for the past 20–30 years or so and you’ll be astonished at the complex perfection of it all. All that’s left is the living and Embodying of IT.

There are more reasons than what I’ve listed for why many of us feel ascension pains more intensely than most but this should give you a good sense of the many whys of it. So don’t ever feel bad for feeling bad via the Ascension and Embodiment Processes because there are many reasons, important reasons why you feel things in such amplified ways. Great job everyone, thanks and don’t stop doing what you’re so great at doing. It’s why you’re here now and much needed.


April 7, 2019

Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may copy and share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.com and Copyright Notice is included.