
lunes, marzo 04, 2019

Lauren C. Gorgo - Thy Kingdom Come: on earth as it is in heaven - March 4, 2019

February was such a HIGHLY activating month that I already can’t remember it. More than any other month I am still in the process of integrating, deciphering and decoding the tremendous array of new light codes that presented all month long, and I don’t see or feel this lessening in intensity any time soon. The steadily increasing photonic/cosmic/plasmic energy levels are now invoking continual resets, reboots & recalibrations (seemingly all at once)…rapidly ushering each of us into alignment/right order for some major new life cycles beginning as I write this. It’s as challenging as it is exhilarating.

Last month was a universal 5 month and so its overarching purpose was to initiate (agitate) major completions, breakthroughs and opportunities to make important, even long-overdue changes that will start to manifest more fully this month. Life situations that have been putting extra pressure on us, pushing us to adopt a new outlook, to come unstuck, are now breaking thru at the physical level of life forcing a major dam to break in our personal affairs.

The full (Virgo) supermoon (on 2/19) was the linchpin, the tension breaker needed to thrust us out of our ruts so we are poised for the Heaven on Earth Era (via Uranus in Taurus (3/6). This lunar cycle has since been ushering us into the scenarios needed to shift tracks…to get off the commuter rail which has way too many “stops”, and onto the rapid transit line which has a higher train frequency and runs on its own separate tracks. This fast track is the 12/3 energy of 2019 that we are all adjusting to and last month has been extremely powerful in assisting us to make the necessary modifications needed to open ourselves up to these Creation energies, to become ONE with the Force.

February also saw THE END of Chiron in Pisces and his long awaited ingress into Aries which is already liberating beyond belief. For 8 very turbulent years we have been sloshing around in our core wounding, tumbled & tossed about in the tides of feminine healing, where the accumulation of all our many lifetimes of suffering have been held.

The pioneers of the ascending collective…starseeds, blue rays, light workers, anchors, angelics, pioneers & volunteers…have literally been carrying/clearing the “weight of the world” via the water in our cells, working tirelessly to transmute the expired human condition thru each of our own bodies. With Chiron in Aries to stay (until 2027) we can finally dry out our waterlogged souls which will significantly lighten our load to quicken the pace of life.

And now, moving into the third month of the year…packed with Trinity energies…we begin March with a very important Mercury retrograde cycle needed to prepare for the new era before us, to download the blueprint needed to create our Kingdoms “on earth as it is in heaven”. According to my Sources, this will be a time of connecting dots like no other…major puzzle pieces falling into place, intuitively and otherwise…as it pertains to our highest purpose for this lifetime.

The energy to support that acquisition is already palpable, there are some exceptionally creative qualities bursting forth, begging to make our wildest dreams a reality….new inspirations, aspirations & motivations abound just waiting for the Aries sun to ignite the spark of our new life to begin again. For the first three months of the year we are storing solar energy in our cells, steadily building up steam from the heat of our combustion chambers, readying to hit the ground running post-equinox and along side Uranus in Taurus.

In those areas that are already clicking into position we may be given a head start with a whole slew of sudden green lights which, in some cases can be both immensely productive but also demanding as we open the blocks in our bodies and lives to allow for more consistent streams of Creativity that are fueling our entrance into our Second Life.

March will be a very pivotal month in this regard, one that has a real sense of exiting much different than we enter. With Mercury retrograde in Pisces, this won’t be forward moving in a typical sense…more like swimming the backstroke across the ocean with a sweeping celestial view of the night sky…BUT, it has the potential to be one of the most soul affirming months, maybe ever.

Get ready for the pre-spring cleaning of a lifetime!

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