
sábado, enero 26, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - New Moon in Aquarius, February 4th, 2019 ~ Most Auspicious - Jan 26, 2019

On February 4th, 2019 we have a MOST Blessed New Moon in Aquarius at 5:03 pm AST.

Energetically this is one of the most Auspicious New Moon (beginning) in over one year ~ Earth time.

We are still integrating the great Shifts that took place on the Super Blood Moon/Eclipse. This plays out till July, 2019.

Your subconscious mind; reconstructed, renders your old way of being, within your own unique awareness (frequency) obsolete.

Thought forms at the mass consciousness level, now infiltrated with 5th Dimensional new ways of Being as energetic impulses of Light, are shifting completely. They are continuing to go through and all records, the hall of mirrors.

During this New Moon on February 4th, 2019, we have the Sun, Moon and Mercury sextile Jupiter. We may experience (frequency) expanded enlightenment, great news, joy, happiness and fortune, all according to our individual life plan, during this incarnation.

We also have at the midpoint Saturn sextile Neptune. Bringing a welcomed dreaminess to our aspirations, as they play out, in the field of our moment to moment awareness and Being.

Blessed with great enthusiasm; sprinkled with magic; we have generous blessings upon our expanded consciousness and therefore, life.

Very philosophical, very mystical, in this space, we dream anew, and receive, an outpouring of blessings from the Heavens.

This New Moon is the beginning of a 4 week cycle and part of the larger playing out of the Eclipses that are still playing out and being integrated within our consciousness and life experience on Earth.

Dreams coming true, is potentially up and on the agenda of consciousness shifts that may just lead to being the epitome of love, joy, fortune and glory, here and now in form, through you.

Integrating our new way of Being; we are able to see the signs in the news of the old systems failing. The dissolution of “time” based consciousness as a whole, is underway. Giving way to the NEW, mass level, being Present through our Presence, flow of eternal being. That is 5th Dimensional Consciousness. Cosmic Consciousness.

Being that which we are eternally, Love Beings, being our Glory and Love. At those levels there is no separation from any aspect of our continuous flow, worlds upon worlds, experiences.

We have become united with the chore of our True Selves. Our eternal selves, that know not separation or division. Only child like wonder in awe of every moment that passes through us.

This is the grander vision opening up to the Higher Light Frequencies, which then have their way, with ALL consciousness.

It is underway, it is integrating into the whole, it is SHIFTING, now.

You are part of all of this throughout the Universe. The God Self, never separate, from this our experiences now.

WE are letting go of the old conditioning and patterns that were once etched in the consciousness of all those that suffered.

Entering the freedom of no attachments, in moment to moment awareness of only NOW. We enter the New Earth. 5th Dimensional consciousness, through our Sacred Hearts, opened once again fully, to the eternal love that we originally ARE.

And so it is, we love, we live, we flow.

WE are the eternal Divine, present with you Now.

Orchestrating the frequencies of Light.

No thoughts or imaginations can anticipate the greatness and beatific glory that awaits, those whose hearts are ready.

We are with you, in all moments through this Alchemy of awareness. Of Light, of consciousness, of form.

We are the Love and Glory that you are eternally, and we are here Now. Blessing and heralding in the Newness, all Now, through Love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.