
domingo, enero 20, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Living in 5th Dimensional Consciousness NOW - Jan 20, 2019

There is nowhere to go to live in 5th Dimensional Consciousness NOW.

It is present here now for you.

There is the shift from the mind being dominant to the Heart leading the way, to full access to all that you are eternally.

The only thing that appears in the way, through memories, are your attachments and resistances that exists only in 3D. That is; your thoughts, emotions and habitual patterns, that lock you into an outdated program of consciousness.

The need to try, to analyze, to resist, to fight, to endlessly wonder why not me, why me, why not now, is the battle of a 3D consciousness where ego wants to reign supreme as ruler and does not want to end its power struggle with WHAT IS NOW.

What is NOW is all there is and to the mind not ruled by the heart, it resists. As it thinks of all the ways it has to be or better be.

Will you wake up?

And realize that those very thoughts are the cause of your pain and anguish in a dimension that feeds itself of off pain.

You ~ now, not someone else.

Will you wake up?

And be present now, to this the Glory, once you had rid yourself of your repetitive mind battles.

It is quite ironic, that the very thing that you desire so badly and try so hard to hold on to, is the cause of not getting it.

3D Consciousness is an outmoded and outdated level of consciousness, that FEEDS OFF of it’s every destruction and self suffering experience.

Whereas; 5th Dimensional Consciousness has gotten out of its old WAYS ~ and FLOWS as A Divine Being in the MOMENT THROUGH THE Heart.

CLEARING the way to the actual beauty that exists, is stepping out of those patterns, those deeply entrenched ideas that YOU have to have this and why not me, why not now.

Give it up. Surrender to your Heart.

The mind cannot understand the Heart or the Eternal Divine and its plan.

If you ask so often, why can’t I have this or that; TRY instead for a change, ~ ask, why can’t I let go, why haven’t I allowed my Heart to rule my experience on this Earth.

Well it is the easy route to follow the herd consciousness submerged in its ever so deserving attitude, yet not ever receiving what it desires, LOCKING in the attitude of TIME and ignoring the Eternal Presence so CLEARLY HERE ALREADY to those who live through their heart.

The Mystics, the heart-felt authentic beings, rising to their Glory as the eternal Beings of Light they are.

The irony is, everyone is already present, but tightly holding on to the old ways. As if justification of ownership is a good enough idea to believe in, leading to further suffering. Haven’t you had enough already?

They just wont let go of suffering and continue to follow a God that thrives on, better be me, better have, or else.

Listen to your heart, search What it is you are actually functioning through.

Wake UP And live through your heart. It is all here, although may appear to meek and humble for ego.

Which road are you on?

The path to Glory or the path of greater suffering.

You are always choosing In all moments, wake up!

In love and eternal Glory. All NOW and forevermore.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)