
martes, enero 29, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Upgrades, Karma and Manifesting without Fear - January 29, 2019

2019 the world is going to be lit with warriors taking a stand. Holding their light high, a beacon of hope, peace and harmony. January’s blood moon eclipse gateway has unleashed intensive lightworker upgrades. We are being levelled up, ‘I know kung fu’…kinda thing. When uploads come a calling, the dark night can open up before us. Integration, recalibration, requires space, energetic, emotional space. We unpeel the sticky, bitter, stinging
layers of the karmic onion. The more sources of negativity, trauma and pain we let go of, the more we align to higher vibratory fields of light.

Manifestation comes from authenticity, it is more than mantras and rituals. It is created by the baseline frequency of our being. Growth comes from self knowledge. We can let go of the positivity pedal, take our foot off lightbody activation, stop the uploads train and get off for a while. We can surrender to alternate timelines, we can experience their reality in deep contemplation, meditation. We can try on different paths. It won’t be a disaster. It won’t mess our timelines up, break our shields down or ruin our hopes of a better future. It’s real to see the negative. It’s grounded to understand the contraints. To know ourselves, what constitutes our motherboard. What nourishes our soul or drains our batteries? Don’t be afraid to surrender to shadow work. Stay lit in a sacred circle of light and let truths transform us.

The light we each hold in our heart, we can switch on at anytime. Gratitude turns the volume up. Love, laughter, joy, peace all flip that feel good switch. There’s only so long we will do shadow work before our natural curiosity, innate optimism, compassion, wildfire light bursts forth, realigning us once again to 5d goodness. Holistic selfcare assimilates completeness, connectivity, harmony of frequencies. We are birthing our futures, keep it real and infused with light. When all is stacked up around us, the world we thought we had is exposed as something else. It is up to us to take back our sovereignty, regain control, fire up our engines.

Darkness is an illusion, smoke and mirrors. Us and them. A swampy wavelength of stagnant lies and grimy greed. The truth is out there, it’s always been out there. It’s in the words that make so many feel uncomfortable (a smaller few ridiculously animated) aliens, dimensions, the matrix, Tesla, intergalactic allies, channelling, healing, energy, frequencies, light, love, hope. Codes, algorithms of fear, triggered, conditioned into our mindset, our psyche. Language lock down. Love for lovers, family, pets, fine. Love for humanity, the planet, animals…resistance trigger.

Language is at the heart of the reality matrix, it drives, shapes and shifts our lives. Fascist rhetoric ignites hate, division and war. Politicians and organised religions point the finger, name call, play victim or aggressor, use gaslighting and projection to dramatize and drive our enslaved existence. To modify us, distract us, frighten us. We can change it up instantly. Negative to positive. Fear to love. Locked down thinking to heightened perception. It’s all there for anyone to experience, in our hearts. It’s the love vibration that activates authenticity, the path to self knowledge.

Surrendering to all possibilities and seeing where our light can take us. Shedding old skin, creating lateral timelines built on self respect. We are who we are. It is what it is. What will be is up to us. Peace beautiful people 
