
martes, diciembre 04, 2018

Lisa Renee - Human Orifices are Portals - Dec 4, 2018

Human Orifices are Portals

In the human body design, all orifices function as divine principles which serve as a physical conduit to its spiritual counterpart connected in another dimension. In most people that are spiritually activated at the soul level, all seven orifices on the face are directly connected to the archetypal mind in the fifth dimension and directly connect to the throat chakra. This is why we will observe a predominate wave of disease patterns in the public, from the blocked throat chakra or 5D pattern. First, let's review all seven orifices located on the face.

  • Open Portals in the Human Body:
  • Right Eye, Nasolacrimal duct (Father's Eye, Rods, Cones and Optic Nerve)
  • Left Eye, Nasolacrimal duct (Mother's Eye, Rods, Cones and Optic Nerve)
  • Right Ear, (Balance and motion, auditory/cranial nerve bundles)
  • Left Ear, (Balance and motion, auditory/cranial nerve bundles)
  • Right Nostril (Male-Mental Principle, Pranic-Vital Force, Solar Principle)
  • Left Nostril (Female –Emotional Principle, Lunar Force, Spirit Principle)
  • Mouth and Tongue (Male and Female Principles United)

Our eyes collect light from the surrounding environment, then regulate and focus it through lenses to form an image, converting this image into a set of electrical signals, and transmitting these signals to the brain through complex neural pathways. Our negative ego belief systems form filters which can become implants that limit what spectrum of light will form images that are acceptable to our eyes. This is why it is crucial to maintain on open and flexible mind, or the light spectrum and filters of your eyes will become incredibly limited, and thus subjected to control. This means mind control through negative ego also controls your vision, what you can see, and what you do not see. A mind-controlled person will see much less in their vision, then a person with an open and free mind.

Our hearing from our right ear corresponds to the axiatonal lines that resonate primarily with the mental planes 3D, 6D and 9D. Our hearing with our left hear corresponds to axiatonal lines 4D, 7D and 10D. Because of the issues of the astral plane, the left ear is used to broadcast from the astral plane. As a result, many astral and fallen entities send messages to the human nervous system mainly through this area. Our goal is to heal this area from astral manipulation by being aware of it. As we heal our left side and left ear, by removing alien machinery and astral intermediaries, we are able to receive the frequency broadcast from our Avatar Christ self. The Avatar Christ Self is formed from our original Lyran body and directs the carrier wave through the 10th dimension to communicate directly with our body and consciousness. Eventually, we want to have our body completely governed and controlled by our Christ Avatar self.

The right nostril represents physical energy for the body and mind. Breathing through the right nostril is important for circulating more energy and is important in balancing metabolic processes. Breathing in through your left nostril will access the right feeling hemisphere of your brain. Breathing in through your right nostril, will access the left thinking hemisphere of your brain. Consciously alternating your breath between either nostrils will allow you to activate and access your whole brain. This brings balance through both breath channels located in the right and left nostril pathway. If your breathing pathway through your nose is not easy, this means there is some breathwork and meditation needed to clear this area, both energetically and physically. Imbalance in thinking will clog your nostrils and breathing pathway.

The mouth and tongue are extremely important because this orifice represents the male and female union and the breath pathway in the mouth connects directly to the sexual organs. The mouth represents the word as spoken by the logos of Creator. When the throat chakra is clear, the voice and spirit fire breath is carried in the words spoken. The mouth opening and the external lips are the female organ. The tongue represents the intonation of frequency of the words generated and represents the male organ. Together the mouth and tongue, represent the union of male and female, and when used correctly form inner hierogamic union. What we put in our mouth, becomes a part of our body. What we speak out of our mouth becomes manifested in the world. When this area is infiltrated or sick, it will impact our sexual organs functioning.

Male and Female Principle Stars

The Male and Female principles of creation are represented within our bodies, and the function of each gender body obeys that principle in the direction of electromagnetic energy and consciousness. When we expand consciousness and unify our energetic aspects of gender, we become androgynous or hermaphroditic. That means no matter what body we are in, we have a gender body that is unified in both male and female principle, which potentially manifests the Risen Christos-Sophia Diamond Sun Body.

Whether you are a man or woman, you have both the male principle and female principle energetic consciousness within you, and this is accessed by your knowledge of this fact.

The Geometric Form of Five is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a male. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with male sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Twelve (12). The correct pattern of the electrical spin for the Universal Male principle is 12:12. The same architecture in the planet body is the 12 Tree Grid and when the 12:12 is projected as the first image of God as a Hu-Man (Adam), it is called the Albion.

The Geometric Form of Six is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a female. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with female sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Thirteen (13). The correct pattern of the electrotonal spin for the Universal Female principle is 13:13. The same architecture exists in the planetary core as Mother Arc. When the 13:13 is projected as the first Sound field of God from the Universal Creatrix, it descends the Holy Spirit and the colors created fill the Albion with a palette of colored music. This music is called the Cathar.

When these electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff.

(Source: ES News – Portals of Consciousness)