miércoles, diciembre 12, 2018
L’Aura Pleiadian - The Chrysalis Phase is Complete ~ All Records Pass Through the Portal of Mirrors - Dec 12, 2018
The Passing through of consciousness records; through the Portal of Mirrors, goes through the Eternal Light through which all things emerge.
There will be no area left unturned. All corners of consciousness are being PUT through this initiatory Light ~ Portal Process, now.
The Visions that have passed through my Higher Eternal Light Consciousness Awareness ~ are of consciousness records, data and events that have left an energy imprint anchored into the magnetic fields of mass consciousness.
As these records PASS through the Portal of Mirrors, all memories connected to them held in the magnetic fields, undergo a metamorphosis and emerge as The Divine Original Light.
This process is part of the critical juncture point of consciousness, as many things that are on the table, as planned before Earth began, are about to emerge to the forefront of all consciousness.
The magnetic fields hold all the memories and they are at a critical juncture point of metamorphosis about to be unveiled.
The chrysalis phase is complete.
Your consciousness will automatically be upgraded through these shifts, as part of your life plan.
The entire DNA plan, inherent in all Blueprints is for this purpose.
You will hear clear instructions and you will recognize all that needs to be recognized.
In love and Glory with the Divine Planners of The records, with ALL Universes and their planners, in love, Now.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.
Ángeles de Crystal