
martes, diciembre 11, 2018

James Gilliland - Planetary Liberation Off World Solutions to a Failed Experiment - Dec 11, 2018

Planetary Liberation
Off World Solutions to a Failed Experiment

By James Gilliland

A misdirected Global Elite is the core issue on planet Earth. Their entire lives are based on lies, misperceptions and ignorance. Love, joy and power are what they seek yet they have none of the above. Most have no love in their lives, they are seen as an asset by others, a means to an end. They be lie ve joy comes from acquiring more yet material objects possess no emotions. They may have a mansion, have all the toys yet they have very little love within themselves nor are they loved by others who again only love what they can do for them. Their joy is dependent on their transitory
material objects. A man’s/woman’s self-worth is not determined by how much gold they own, their mansions, what kind of car they drive if so what happens when they lose the mansion, the gold and the car is wrecked or stolen? The rich often resort to buying the love and respect of others yet what do others really think of them? Real power comes from one’s position on the vibrational continuum. Love, joy, and bliss is the highest level. Power over others is not power. It is a path of devolution as most Satanic and self-aggrandizement cults end up finding out. Worshipping others, external deities and not making ones own personal connection with Creator is like a battery that is leaking. Service to others moves you up the spiritual ladder where the true power exists. Overpowering others, harming others or disrespecting life in general creates devolution. This does not mean you live in denial, it is said evil persists when good men do nothing. We have to make sure we do not become what we are fighting. Many tyrants end up being replaced with another tyrant.

Who are the most loved and remembered people on the planet? What were they remembered by? Their personal God connection and their service to others. Love, Joy, Acceptance found within is the true everlasting wealth. You cannot match the love, joy and bliss that comes from making one’s own personal God connection. The Global Elite have deceived themselves. Love is the ultimate power, the highest joy is making one’s own personal God connection and service to others. This insures your hereafter and rise up the spiritual evolutionary scale. Having power over others and gaining power and wealth at the expense of humanity and the Earth is a very low state of existence. It insures spiritual devolution. The Global Elite are clever however they are not wise. Most have either bought into false beliefs, are part of a generational passing of the torch or are playing a nasty trick on themselves. There are some who have taken actions against humanity and Earth to an all-time low, they are at the bottom of the evolutionary scale. Many have lost their soul connection and are being used as puppets by unseen negative influences even lower on the evolutionary scale. When you climb the ladder of, “ false power and wealth” it ends up in some very dark places. Almost, all institutions are spiritually bankrupt at the top. I would advise the next generation to take a brutally honest look at their parents. If they have no joy, love and are not creating Heaven on Earth do not follow in their footsteps. If they are not loved, respected, and do not exude joy or have been in service to Humanity and the Earth walk away. Take a path of honor following Universal Law where you and your deeds are respected. It can be simply put are you doing what is best for your country, your people. Who are your people if we are all souls and spirits coming from the same source? Are you creating Heaven on Earth. Take care of home first then others.

As mentioned earlier about how, almost, all institutions are spiritually bankrupt at the top that is an understatement. If most people knew the depths of ungodly actions they would fall to their knees. It is time this is addressed. Satanic, Luciferian worship, child sacrifice, torture, sexual abuse, and pedophilia is rampant within the Political, Religious, Movie, Music and other agencies and industries. This includes global elite run deep state and their sock puppets replete within the main stream media. In many cases these despicable activities have been recorded and used as blackmail. The politicians, actors, musicians, screaming the loudest with unfounded, meritless and unlawful accusations are in most cases the ones most guilty. Some are blackmailed into going along with the corruption and deceptions. Most cannot handle the truth about the depth of corruption and ungodly acts, those responsible will say how dare you and call it conspiracy. Some will never know. Nothing is hidden all will be made known yet there are always those who refuse to change and those in denial that will hold out till the bitter end. For them it will be bitter here and in the hereafter. I would not want to be in their shoes during their light review.

The present administration and what many refer to as the White Hats are going after the corruption, pedophiles, and what one would call the elite governed deep state. The Republic and its laws will be restored, the financial control will return to the people, and the days of tyranny will be coming to an end.

We need to address the mind control and deceptions of the deep state and the main stream media. To do this we need to follow the money and know the goals of the global elite. The goals of the global elite are total control, full spectrum domination. They will use whatever means possible to meet these goals. The Georgia Guide Stones spell it out. They want over 80% of humanity gone. They want total control of the masses ruled by a few powerful families. They have to keep you sick, ignorant and divided to fulfill these goals. That is why you have chemtrails, inoculations filled with carcinogens, mercury and other concoctions to collapse your immune system. Fluoride in the water, Aspartame, white flour, corn syrup and other detrimental food additives. This includes estrogen mimicers to de-masculine the males. This is often referred to as the gay frog soy boy syndrome. The environment is also suffering from these chemicals where frogs, alligators, crocodiles and other amphibians are not able to reproduce.

The most obvious is the separation game, race card, gender card and the funding of organizations designed to create division, separation and violence. The global elite are funding these, so called anti-establishment programs which in truth are doing the very bidding of the global elite. This fits into the Hegelian Dialect. Problem, action solution or “Order out of Chaos. “The greatest fear of the global elite is the people unifying, waking up and realizing who the dark hearts are and what they have done. They are the war and disease profiteers, have financed both sides of every war since Napoleon. They are the owners of the mega corporations that have been destroying your environment, keeping you enslaved through dependency and are behind the manufactured lack as well as planned obsolescence. They are also the ones stopping with deadly force cures and alternative energy. This needs to be addressed for Humanity and the Earth to survive and evolve as a civilization.

The demonstrations and riots in other countries are not because of gas taxes, global warming etc. They are against a ruling elite replete with pedophiles and tyrants operating outside of Universal Law. The masses are awakening and soon the global elite, the deep state, their less than truthful sock puppets in the main stream media will no longer be able to walk the streets. This is globally. The global elite and their deep states even in other countries have failed to factor in a more powerful consciousness and energy which is behind the White Hats. Call it God/Creator/Great Spirit, Ascended Masters, the greater family of man our ancient ancestors who have returned, spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors. They are all part of a greater plan, planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. It is also part of a grand cycle no man/woman can stop.

This cycle in known by the wise ones, measured by the scientists of integrity, ignored, unacknowledged or kept secret by the tyrants and their minions. The electromagnetic light spectrum on all bands has increased. Infrared, ultraviolet, x, gamma, and cosmic rays have increased exponentially. We are moving into a highly energized place in space. All the planets within our solar system are going through atmospheric changes. On Earth is will be seen as solar flares and CMEs, coronal mass ejections. This is followed by severe weather, increase in earthquake and volcanic activity even social and economic changes. These energies affect the bioelectric fields around the body, they have highs and lows everything from extreme tiredness and emotional out bursts to body ailments as the body tries to adjust to the new energies. We would advise lots of rest, meditation, cleansing, and eating naturally. These new energies are creating change on every level especially DNA. Could this be one of the reasons for blocking the sun with geoengineering by the dark hearts and what is behind the mass awakening? Reason this the dark hearts are doing everything possible to keep you confused, off center, sick and uninformed. It is futile. Their world is coming to an end. They are not frequency specific to the incoming consciousness and energy. Because of their choices they have found themselves at the bottom of the ladder. Their bodies will fail despite their technology and their kingdoms will crumble. It is all about resonance. Their only hope is to release the past, align themselves with Universal Law, and make restitution, direct their assets and energies toward the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth.

These exponentially increasing waves of energy are going to continue. The next peak will be December 16th building two days before and continuing a few days after. I was also shaken during the transmission and was shown in very large letters QUAKE. A very large quake is coming in the very near future. We will try to narrow it down. This happened before with the San Francisco quake, the LA and Seattle Quake. The past visions have been accurate and documented therefore I would find it wise to take heed. Hopefully we are wrong. This is not to create fear, it is to prepare and for those who are healers to get busy. Also pray and clear your leaders. They are under serious attack by black magic and other unseen negative influences. The light will prevail.

Be well.

James Gilliland