
jueves, noviembre 08, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - States of Consciousness = Reality - Nov 8, 2018

Virtues are states of consciousness that represent the levels of the manifesting Divine energies.

Rules of functioning that apply to one dimension, do not apply in different dimensions.

This is why we see people of all varying levels of awareness, functioning through different levels and rules of engagement.

Any reality that still functions through the concepts of changing a future ~ does not exist in the awareness ~ of NOW ~ 5th Dimension.

The Divine Virtues; such as Eternal Youth, and Abundance only exist in the now.

The 5th Dimension only exists in the now.

That is, the Divine Ascended Being manifestation ~ exists through the level of The Divine eternal consciousness through the Divine Presence.

It is only through your Divine Presence through the Heart space that one lives in the present moment and ACCESSES these states of consciousness and virtues.

All thoughts of changing things, manipulating things, fighting the battle, etc is part and parcel of the dimension that DOES not exist in the awareness of NOW. That is always attempting to change a future.

Evolution has it, through the Ascension Process, we merge in Union with our Higher Divine Aspects and manifest the Virtues through our Divine Presence.

This is not accomplished so much, as it is, ACCEPTED.

Our evolution and Ascension is the process of the Eternal Divine flowing through us, in the present moment. This is when miracles take place ~ effortlessly. AS the Divine Presence and its Virtues….flow through us as the embodiment of Divine Eternal frequency.

NO battle, no cause out THERE from a world that judges by time, AS to why we aren’t yet fully embodying the Divine Virtues. Why we aren’t fully yet our Divine Presence. Why we aren’t yet fully Ascended.

ONLY an acceptance, that whatever is now, is all there is. And that there is no force outside of ourselves that CAN possibly have any impact on our own levels of embodying the eternal Divine Virtues.

WE can acknowledge our disappointment in what we see, events, people and situations, YET we realize that is not the voice of our Divine Self, that is part of the old programming.

We then can let it go and step back into the flow of our Divine God self, which is always, present.

The old way cannot Will itself the changes it desires, change truly only takes place at the consciousness level, where effortlessly everything aligns with the eternal.

It is a letting go, an acceptance, a giving up of earlier attachments to how things ought to be ~ THAT GIVES way to the Divine Embodiment. Which then does all, shift all, through us…an ETERNAL Divine Original Light, flow, in the NOW.

This eternal flow is the PLACE and space within the Heart, that lives beyond ones wildest imagination.

The only true power is Divine and it only exists in the present moment.

Our evolution ~ our Ascension is the embodiment of The ETERNAL Divine ~ Virtues, that flow naturally, in the present moment. It is our Divine inheritance. Our Original Light, where we all exist as that, now.

It is an embodiment, an acceptance and an allowing, of all to flow through us, as it is, eternally. The Accessing point of frequency is Now, through your heart.

In Love and in The Eternal Divine Presence, that only knows now.

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.