
miércoles, octubre 17, 2018

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

See your clearing taking place now
as you release lifetimes of trapped energies.

Remember that you have the intuitive awareness now to choose again.

To choose Higher focus, rather than the heaviness and doubt
that may first appear.

You are learning to be a believer of your own Truth,
your own energy, power and claim.

With that, the old format must be acknowledged.

"Yes, this was my old way, but I choose again."

This is what will bring you into the light
and unite you with your Divine Self.

Do not be alarmed or concerned if the old way shall appear temporarily.

You are now engaged in your sacred rite of passage.

Choose once again your light, your Truth.

Choose once again your Divine Inheritance.

And so it is.
