
sábado, octubre 20, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Full Moon in Taurus, October 24th, 2018 ~ LOVE and Alchemy - Oct 20, 2018

This powerful Full Moon is in Taurus on Wednesday October 24th, 2018 at 1:45 pm ADT.

Be ready for sudden surprises, shifts and MAJOR Changes as Taurus joins with Uranus, during this Full Moon, especially in connection to relationships and love.

The Sun opposite the Moon (The Full Moon) highlights the emotional body as polar opposites come into play, and that which is to be cleared in relationship to the previous New Moon intentions.

The subconscious and memories from past lives, are all playing out within the screen of your perceptions.

The subconscious, heightened under the Full Moon ~ becomes spotlighted in the deeply penetrating Light.

Venus opposite Uranus may initiate changes in Love relationships and romance, bringing either a new one, or excitement to what is, already. This may feel challenging and of course impacts each being Uniquely. Excitement, almost electrical….is impacting this overall frequency of this Full Moon in Taurus.

Moon conjunct Uranus brings the frequency of sudden influences and sudden changes, maybe in Love.

With the Moon opposite Venus we have LOVE ~ coming up. Whether you feel lonely, which may be intensified during this and feeling a NEED ~ to not be lonely. Someone may be in a deep relationship and still feel lonely ~ loneliness is an inside job. Meaning, Love yourself fully. Love may come up this way also, to feel greater love for yourself.

The Full Moon trine Saturn ~ adds a sense of inner strength to all of this, this being ~ whatever comes up for YOU, in love and in life.

Your desire for relating and relationships ~ as in LOVE ~ may also be impacted with a feeling of intensification as Venus is sextile Saturn. True Love may be in the air. May come up for you. OR become in the AIR as in within your own awareness as you love yourself MORE.

As with all frequencies, each being is unique and YOUR Blueprint, Past lives, Life Plan, is playing out uniquely THROUGH your Divine Self. Your perceptions of your experiences are unique also.

Your awareness of LOVE and what it means to you is also Unique.

Uranus rules uniqueness.

Uranus is playing out always, with the Full Moon and intensifying subconscious coming to the forefront, stay present and see what is unfolding to you.

All things are symbolic and are communicating with you.

Feel the symbolism in all moments playing out THROUGH YOU.

Be CONSCIOUSLY aware of your Divine Light AND YOUR Divine Love.

Your Divine Love which is always present, even if you are not perceiving it.

Trust more your HEART over the minds ramblings and questioning.

It is just moment to moment. Eternity is always now.

Love is always now.

Embrace now as IT ALL FLOWS through you.

We are just passing through.

Allow the ALCHEMY of LOVE ~ rule your awareness as ONE who has gone from the mind to the Heart, in all moments. It is Harmony, it is Love and it is Pure Original LIGHT.

There is no death ~ Love is eternal.

Only frequencies of consciousness that dictate the perception level.

In love activating all DNA Now, with the Divine Council of Overseers. All Now in Glory and Love.

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.