
sábado, octubre 13, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - As the DIVINE Glory and Presence of the ILLUMINATED One ~ transforms ALL - Oct 13, 2018

Magical MYSTICAL ~ Cosmic Awareness.

Awakens the conscious Union within Parallel Worlds.

Going in and out ~ here and there, above and below ~ merged, as One.

The Divine Ascended Being ~ Reveals Itself, as the Eternal ~ Awakened Glorious One. ~ now HERE.

Portals of Initiation and the Ancient Beings ~ Superimposed ~ throughout the Ages ~ Reveal their power and Presence.

Layers and Levels of Pure Original Light are known and present here NOW.

As the penetrated fields of Light EMERGE and merge.

As the DIVINE Glory and Presence of the ILLUMINATED One ~ transforms ALL ~ Now.

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018