
jueves, octubre 11, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - And SO it is ~ Before Earth Began ~ The Divine Council of Overseers…

Cosmic Shifts into GREAT Majestic Bliss, Glory and BEING Ascended ~ In LOVE.

Platinum Diamond Rays ~ manifesting in MATTER, as the New Earth ~ REALIZED in consciousness as DIVINE Eternal LIGHT ~ Manifested.

Portals of Initiations ~ exist within the consciousness of the embodiment of the Blueprint Design.

The Great Elohim ~ The Creator Gods ~ Hold the consciousness of FORM in the The Halls of Amenti ~ Now RENEWED and activated in their Eternal power.

And SO it is ~ Before Earth began, The Divine Council of Overseers, working with the Blue Avians and The Elohim, designed, Implemented and activated the masculine and feminine Blueprints ~ AS The God ~ Source ~ Beings ~ incarnating in form on Earth.

Now ALL DNA ~ Blueprint patterns, codes, activations ~ of awakening in the 5th Dimension ~ now EMERGE as their Source LIGHT ~ as Being One with it. As it is.

Welcoming in now through this embodiment the activation codes, as DESIGNED ~ And So it is, all Now. Emerging….as the The Holy Light Presence, throughout all levels, throughout the Universe ~ and all Universes, now.

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.