domingo, septiembre 02, 2018
Lisa Transcendence Brown - September Multi-Dimensional Energy Forecast/Report - 9/2/2018
Many are starting to realize that there are multiple dimensions of realities running now. Different collectives, based upon different belief systems (BS), as well as different physical body densities, different LightBody phases, all umbrella'd under a "big matrix" of either Old Earth or NEW. Some have one foot in each.... some teeter-totter back and forth. Yet in coming to fully understand Multi-Dimensional Existence, it's not a linear understanding, it's a vibrational one.
We have an Old Earth Matrix Programs, Networks and Systems, comprised of unconscious programming, fear, scarcity, judgment, division, no trust, victim mentalities/give my power away or "power over", control and boxes of fixed limits and that each still believe. Within this Matrix System, each doesn't realize yet that they hold these structures in place. The matrix is inside of them, yet they have yet to go inward to dissolve/resolve and come into their power (as LOVE) yet. This one operates at "refusal to change" and "fight" the outside.... as it's at fault/blame. This collective watches the outside world and believes it as REAL, because it's basically all that's visible, as their heart has not opened, so their inner vision has not opened up to see any other realities exist.
We have the Transitory Matrix Programs, Networks and Systems, comprised of partly awake, yet still holding on, still trying to conform to the old ways. This one is still seeking, learning, starting to open up and experience the brilliance of the Higher Dimensional Realms. There is often still some semblance of footing in place, as the human ego does not do well with the "unknown". This Transitory Phase is important and necessary for each, as it's where each "builds" their connection with their own Higher Selves, builds a whole new relationship of trust, by starting to believe in what might not yet be visible. This is the FEELING REALM. Where each clears immense unresolved and suppressed feelings from their cellular body, so their LightBody can fully activate to bring them on-line. This phase can take many linear years/even one's whole lifetime, until each is ready to fully "leave the old" and "move to all new" and let the old completely go. This is where "loss occurs" (a perception only, as how "loss" works on an Quantum/Energetic Level and a Cosmic ONE has very different "truths". This is where each awakens to Universal Laws that govern realities, not the reverse. Each's life goes through huge transitions; Relationships, jobs, where each lives... all revolving around "relationship to SELF", with/as each's own Higher Self. This is where our Kundalini (Spirit/Soul/Universal LightBody) energy awakens in our bodies... and our physical body begins a massive clearing process, where all matrix/ego constructs start to break down/dissolve, to bring one more into UNION within each's self.
We have the NEW Earth Matrix Programs, Networks and Systems, comprised of all who have transitioned (or are mostly transitioned), working daily to create, inspire, awaken and birth all anew, anchoring LIGHT within their body vessels and radiating this out into our MULTI-DIMENSIONAL WORLD/EARTH to collectively shift entire realities who are ready to come on-board and join, unite, share, contribute as LOVE too. This MATRIX IS VAST WITHIN ITSELF, as it's comprised of many different Matrixes within it too. Yet nothing like the old, these are all Cosmic, Quantum and Energetic, Vibrational and an intricate networking system within itself. The difference is this ONE/UMBRELLA is built/constructed on/from PURITY - LOVE - CONSCIOUSNESS, and everything emanates from this. Each's physical body goes through huge template re-writes constantly, bringing each higher dimensional aspect online. First the Light Grid of NEW Earth, then the Crystalline Grid, then the Plasma Crystalline Grid (and many more). Each one's intricacies overlaying and weaving into the prior one. Each time one steps up/accelerates through vast processes, elevates their consciousness even more, goes deeper into their own depths (SOULar/Galactic) more access is opened up than before. These OPERATING SYSTEMS are very different than the old. These don't hold duality, so there's no battle, no struggle, no fight. This is a very different existence, where all flows and functions in UNISON and CONTRIBUTES to a much bigger picture for us all.
Which Matrix System each will "fall under", will be determined by many things. I write this Quantum Energy Report/Cosmic Energy Report/Earthly Energy Report to address all/as many of these as possible, as Dimensional Experiences are all over the place for many right now.
Transitions are occurring by collectives... and within those collectives, each is in their own personal phase. Initiations and passageways are completed as each clears the ENERGY HELD that kept their body bound to a certain vibrational bandwidth. These bandwidths are broken down in to Dimensions, or Dimensional Timelines or Alternate Realities or whatever each wants to use to describe. The words don't matter. The Vibrational and Energetic and Physical EXPERIENCE does....
So, I address this by various collectives, then will shift to a different way. Some of what I write/share, addresses many of these simultaneously. The human ego will try to "fit into one", while in essence it's all of them, dependent on the "DEGREE".
For those who have exited and live all NEW EARTH REALITIES, the old is barely visible, if at all. We actually have to "go look" to see what is occurring in the other dimensions, as it doesn't present itself "often" in our own realities anymore. This is because our realities are completely VIBRATIONAL and ENERGETIC and a RESPONSE to what we hold, tolerate, allow... to what WE CONSCIOUSLY AND INTENTIONALLY CREATE and transmit out by way of LIGHT CODES into/through/across all dimensions.... with our every breath.
There are PURPOSES FOR EVERY EXPERIENCE, a vibrational "reason" why all occurs. Yet it's not what the human (ego) aspect "thinks". It's way more than all of that. So for each to actually see and understand, their hearts and minds have to be completely wide open, otherwise their are judgments, conditions, limits and old mentalities are "in the way" still.
OSCILLATING BACK AND FORTH: Every time we go through a huge collective up-shift, entire collectives will clear old Matrix Programming and where it was still held within cellular memory as imprints before. The DEGREE of this experience will be dependent on how strong the ENERGY is... of the "old" unconscious, fear-based, dualistic programming....
As humans we believed the emotion as REAL(ity).... because the emotion was sooooooo strong. We believed the "thoughts" as REAL, because the BELIEF ENERGY was sooooooo strong. So much "story" involved (victim). The continual insistence, and "hey, that's what we learned/were told", yet as each's heart fully opens, "that" is no longer true. That was a "figment of our unconscious imagination" .... just a belief... yet to the/our human ego, we still don't want to BElieve that reality is not as we "thought it was". WE still don't want to entertain (inner-tain) the alternatives. Human ego aspects, unconscious/closed heart/closed mind... will insist it "doesn't have a CHOICE", BECAUSE It doesn't LIKE the choices it has, it doesn't like the ALTERNATIVE, when in essence, "those" are where we each have to GO, to break the power and strength of the old programming, the old constructs... that we each held within. ♥
The human aspect doesn't understand "LOSS"... and the REASONS this occurs. Loss is the word used to DESCRIBE the dissolving of "that reality" because it was not highest aligned on a SOUL Level, because "that" represented UNCONSCIOUS WAYS, because "that" was safe and represented "holding on" and as "that" goes.... the ENERGY that held all in place is able to unanchor from the physical body, so that further Ascension can occur. Loss is relative to NEED. If we NEED it to be happy, if we NEED it to feel safe, protected or to feel important, powerful... in charge... if we need it, because we have an attachment, it defines us (stories/others/things), then it often HAS TO GO, before we understand "that's not true". On a Quantum Level, need is lack and lack is of the 3rd Dimension of Unconsciousness... it represents "zero connection" inside and no faith/trust/relationship with our Universal Higher Self aspects of ourselves..... THIS IS WHY "LOSS" OCCURS, to re-establish what was "Lost" when we all fell from consciousness, the higher dimensional realms... into the Lower Frequency Bandwidth ones.... to live out realities that were an old illusion..... that we worked hard to comply with, got complacent and became complicit in.... through our own "wanting to ignore"/not see.... not leave/move on/ deal and say "no more", as LOVE.
Cosmic Influxes, blasts, awakenings, RAYS (Radiation) and HARMONIC RE-ALIGNMENT will continue to increase for us all. How we experience this will be relative to the MATRIX THAT OUR BODY HOLDS, how "well" we integrate our own Light into our physical bodies all day every day. How dense/unconscious our physical bodies still are and how much they still have to purify, recode and clear. Our physical body templates are in CONSTANT RE-WRITING PROCESSES now. The denser our physical body, the denser our brain/we are. Literally. The denser our bodies, the more emotional and physical these PHOTONIC LIGHT-BODY processes are. Every CELL in our bodies have to awaken to bring our bodies online with NEW EARTH DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCES, which start with the 5th Dimension and as each learns HOW birthing processes work, Mastering all through Full Consciousness and the DIRECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF QUANTUM ENERGY, a Maturation Process begins. First birthing and playing on NEW Earth, then the 6th Dimension opens up and the 7th and the 8th and so on.... each one of these is a passageway, where each LEARNS HOW TO BECOME A NEW Earth HUman, an entirely new "Species" is born here, as each re-evolves back into all that they "forgot themselves to BE", and each's DNA is constantly re-written to each of these Higher Self Aspects, until all LIGHT CODES can be embodied and held for each's OverSoul/Avatar Body to complete itself. These EM-BODY-ment processes mean that each fully transitions all old with each phase from within. All new realities constantly birthed from within. The old no longer visible, as each shifts their own focus, their own reSOURCES, their own ENERGY, to aligning their own ENTIRE REALITY.... to vibrate into all new realities physically... with their various LightBodies that carry the Soul-Star-Stellar Codes to easily accomplish this.
NOW FOR THE QUANTUM COSMIC ENERGY REPORT (because all of that was important first):
Entire collectives finally starting to experience and see.... by way of the skies, nature, the new colors and hues, softer and more exciting experiences... so much HAPPY... so much, they will not compromise or accept the "old" anymore. No longer acceptable as appropriate... as that's what kept all re-experiencing the unconscious loops that continue until each is ready to get of "that ride".... and let go, float and fly!
The deep inner peace, the Beauty, the Magic... the magnificence... it was always here and available.... yet each has to CHOOSE and be totally ready, as what comes up from our own Depths of Hell that awakens with a vengeance, takes everything we've got to "make it through. Often wanting off this ship.... because we get tired of the struggle and challenges, that will pass and faster each time, until all struggle energy is gone.... because that was our own Matrix Programming and we get to choose HOW we experience all. Fully Conscious and honoring/allowing the energy to clear, while we stay focused and hold the absolute highest timelines/realities as "real" until it does.... Sometimes just an hour or two, a whole day is a biggie for us.
Many collectives experiencing the immensity of their own Every-Existence Karmic Timelines, which varies based upon the Akashic Levels Clearing at that time. The first level is human karma (unconsciousness), reversing all and learning how not to create new Karma (unconscious acts) anymore. Once this is achieved by each, there will be a period of "No Karma" (often years), while each starts to intentionally create from full consciousness, intentionally act from Love, intentionally hold the new in place.... yet this phase is just a part of the process too. Once that "Level" has been cleared, the next DEEPER LEVEL will begin, then the next and the next and the next.... and with each one, a new Matrix is revealed.....
Human Consciousness first... each's LightBody activates... then a portion/part of an OverSoul Template that occurs with the completion of each process, gateway, passageway, initiation, graduation, phase.... The DIVINE UNION of one's Higher Self and Human Self is when Ascension through Higher Consciousness occurs.... which then activates the physical body/Merkaba activating processes.... which occur as each's cells shake, vibrate, move and blend/merge/sync up with each's field... to complete "bringing the body through", all the while, each's person's physical reality is TRANSITIONING TOO.
For those newly awakened, for those somewhat awake, for those fully awake.... the ENERGY IS THE SAME. The physical experience is what differs, based upon the physical dimension each's body is located in, LightBody Template online and emotional/mental/physical density still held, which is what "makes up" each's individual Matrix Experience here.
Heavy Density/Separation/Unconscious Programming = Intense Waking Up Processes, Catastrophic, Devastating, Chaotic, Heart-Wrenching, Heart-Breaking, Deep hurt and pain coming up. These have the most Karmic Timelines to clear here. (I was one of these). Physical weight and body type has nothing to do with this. This is on a cellular level.
As the BODY CLEARS all of the toxins of all that were eaten, breathed, accepted, allowed, packed into the body (blame, shame, guilt, judgment, compromise, selfishness, greed, manipulation, complacency, ignoring, control, fixed/rigid beliefs, death/dead foods and everything ever ingested/breathed/absorbed into the body.... held within the body... it will start to LIGHT'en, and often get bigger as it does. Lightening up doesn't mean weight, as your gravitational field with your whole body is changing, physical matter-mass ratio is changing and you start to "float" from inside, so your body will get "heavier" for awhile. Body weight continually changes, as density changes, as the EMOTIONS, THOUGHTS, MENTALITIES, BELIEFS were what were HEAVY... the LACK and the NEED were what were heavy.... all compacted in that body... that now says "enough".
Your PHYSICAL BODY VIBRATION is the CRUX of all of this. Happy is Light'r. Need is heavy. Kindness opens our hearts, it's Light'r. Generosity is Light'r. Survival is HEAVY. Protection closes the heart, makes the body Heavier and anchors it in a Lower Dimension = Heavier Density..... Anger is Heavy, Hurt is Heavy, Blame is Heavy, Guilt is Heavy, Shame is Heavy, Judgment is Heavy.... and all of these HEAVY EMOTIONS are what each has to fully clear, for PHYSICAL BODY ASCENSION to come to actually LIVE ON NEW EARTH fully...... now. Obligation is Heavy. Hanging On is Heavy. Pushing/Pulling/Imposing/Bullying/Manipulation.... all Heavy... and as long as these ENERGIES are housed in each's BODY, the body is HEAVY, no matter how small or skinny it might appear. Just light bigger bodies appear to be Denser. Not always the case. The amount of PROGRAMMING... RESISTANCE/CLOSED HEART... this is what causes the body to go haywire (Quantum), as each's LIGHT can't function properly inside of the body, each's NEW EARTH TEMPLATE can't come online.....
Old Earth realities continue to "die", because they were created and held together by DENSE HEAVY PROGRAMS/ENERGIES.... the entire Dimension dies.... and those here to re-birth anew, will be "born again", yet not as most "think" and there's not one ounce of duality or human belief systems (BS) involved in this PURE EXPERIENCE where pure love emerges from within and fills our whole body cavity and our NEW EARTH LightBody Template activates .....
NEW EARTH is completely ALIVE and Awake, Gaia is vibrant and merged on a Universal/Galactic Level and all exists through Purity and Beauty and Brilliance... It's the most Magnificent Magical Experience, that first must be accessed/felt/allowed/experienced from within.... and AS EACH HOLDS this vibration.... outside will start to materialize more and more and more... in response.
Human Matrixes: Breakdown Dissolution/Dissolving process. Aging and death cycles are increasingly accelerated. Mind-Control continues to go. The entire construct for these realities continue to appear to collapse, which is just the dissolution of the physical manifestation of unconscious programming... which is what held all of that in place to start with. This is how all appears when higher dimensional timelines need to open up. It's a HARMONIC CONVERGENCE, where all must be brought into full Universal/Cosmic Harmony and all not vibrationally aligned cannot "maintain form" anymore.
NEW Earth Matrixes: Strengthen, continue to expand and replace the old. Crystalline/Christed Consciousness is the basis and LOVE is the foundation for all. (Not human need love, as that is Lack still. This is A PURE LOVE, that comes forth as all REMEMBER FULLY AGAIN). Our Star Families, Soul Families, Light Families.... each one of us stepping into our next higher purposes/roles, fulfilling Galactic Missions and anchoring much higher dimensional realities, both individually and "where compatible energy signatures" (this is very different than human realities were), UNIFY to share, support, contribute, accomplish and all receive together.... Distortions create an imbalance vibrationally, therefore the entire reality must be constantly re-tuned/re-calibrated/realigned.... as each is fully RESPONSIBLE for what they transmit out. Too many distortions dissolve the entire reality, which is why it's so important for each to hold themselves fully accountable for their own ENERGY and not "rely" on others for this. Where there is reliance, this will dissolve as well.
Transitional Matrix: Is where all "learn"... how to be what they already are, how to read the field as Consciousness, how to fulfill their highest roles here, how to dissolve/resolve, how to construct anew, how all human ego programming works and how to clear all of their existences/karmic timelines and not re-create those here. This phase is a long one. It en-Compasses everything, because all duality must be resolved for full UNION TO OCCUR within. Then, more Union processes occur, with each Embodiment Template Building Process. There are infinite Unions, that bring each into FULL DIVINE SACRED PURE UNION here. Each activation of higher consciousness will activate a whole distortion clearing process to begin. The "completion" of this process (often years) is where the Embodiment Process completes.
To complete OverSoul Embodiment/Avatar Embodiment.... all 144 Templates must be activated, the entire physical body cleared, purified, cleansed of any/all existences/distortions not fully in PURE HARMONY on a Cosmic Level from within the physical body form and field. This is a natural and organic process achieved through PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS and the activation/completion of each's 2222 SOURCE Codes (Cosmic Diamond Light Code Rainbow Body Template first activated by way of geometric Light Codes relative to each vibrational consciousness making up the full template for each).
SEPTEMBER... will be relative to each's LightBody phase. The 3D LightBody is barely active and has been unable to build. The human body will sustain on things (meat, carbs, social activity and through ignorance of any of this (yet). The 4D LightBody is trying to activate, yet there's still so much emotional density (Story) held onto and the body can't fully sustain. 3D/4D Bodies: An immense physical "purging" of lower density emotions/mentalities and where these were anchored on a cellular level in the body will increase in intensity until the STRUCTURES of the cell and whole body template are able to BREAK DOWN THE LINEAR CONSTRUCTS and start to build non-linear Geometric ones. The 5D LightBody is able to GENERATE it's own Energy, by way of the frequencies each "hears" of their own Universe/Cosmos, which tune the body to higher frequencies constantly, while clearing out "lower vibrational" programs "easier", because the density of the EMOTIONS have finally been cleared. The passageway for the 5th Dimensional Lightbody and the 6th Dimensional LighBody is each merging with their own Higher Self and starting to step up into INTENTIONAL CONSCIOUS CREATION ROLES, by way of their own Pure Source Light activated and held from inside. There is a "play period, a period of being fully supported, to completely let go and "trust"... and then this will shift, into each moving into fulfilling higher roles here in a multitude of ways. Not just "one" or "two" anymore....
SEPTEMBER will return magnificence, it will uproot and shake that which was needing to be Unearthed... it will awaken more, make more visible, bring more opportunity, dissolve more old, test every limit the human still has, show conditioned programs and more. It will move all MUCH HIGHER and clear DENSE PROGRAMS.... just like before, yet in greater Magnitude... whatever is "buried" shall be "brought into Light" for each to see within themselves, what they could not/didn't want to see/deal with/resolve through Love before. It will blow portals and gateways of each's HEART WIDE open, bring FLOODS of anything needing to be FELT forth.... all to open each's hearts and minds more.... and transition each into their "next new", whatever phase that is......
SEPTEMBER will prepare many and is preparation phases for those fully conscious.... for October-November-December timelines and template shifting within Gaia and Universally/Galactically too. Not only do we enter more Planetary Cycles that are important (these are INSIDE), it's also Equinox month, which means massive clearing of the old..... entire collectives "faced" with CHOOSING and holding the much higher vibrational timelines in place, UNTIL ALL CAN COMPLETELY SHIFT... which brings a massive collective up-shift for all. This is a massive passageway, an initiation for entire collectives here... CHOICE POINT for many, yet exhilaration for many too. The EXPERIENCING of the most magnificence, a RETURN to CONSCIOUSNESS and actually experiencing what is considered by many to be "new". This NEW, is our higher dimensional realities, that all have dreamed of, worked for (through dedication/service/light), a CONVERGENCE OF HIGHER DIMENSIONS THAT WE CALL REALITY.... all merging in the same SPACE as we VIBRATE INTO IT.
COSMIC TIMELINES AND CONTINUAL HARMONIZATION PROCESSES increase every day now. Acceleration of our "new" DNA, where our Light Codes "turn on" in our bodies... more.... and our bodies begin/continue our individual evolutionary processes, organic and natural ones as our own Consciousness awakens and evolves from within us, linking us up to an entire NETWORKING SYSTEM that's alive, breathing, communicating ENERGETICALLY from within us... with StarGate (Systems) that were also located within our bodies and fields too....
SEPTEMBER WILL UNITE MORE and show each where they still hold diversity, division and separation within. The more unconscious, the more this plays out in each's own physical/virtual reality... frequency bandwidth occupied.... transmitted and received from each's body, thoughts, emotions....
SEPTEMBER will offer more possibilities and potentials to all who are truly ready for this. Zero Point Field will "throw" realities at each (appearance)... as becoming Quantum means manuevering, mastering and utlizing/accomplishing each "delivery", without letting your human-ego limits get involved again. These are "excuses".... as each will overcome all limits previously (self) imposed/believed. The body no longer a limit, the external no longer a limit... your Consicousness now dictates all..... and expands BEYOND YOUR BODY... yet learning "how" to function "this new way", is like a toddler that's just learning to stand up and take it's first step, or having training wheels on our bike..... The training wheels come off when each is ready to stretch their arms out wide, trust and GO FOR IT.... just as the baby taking that step, wobbly, falling down, maybe a scratch/maybe not and getting up again, MORE AS A HIGHER SELF... ready to conquer all.... from within.
SEPTEMBER IS A PORTAL, A PASSAGEWAY, A GATEWAY... IT OPENS UP DOORS/PORTALS AND CLOSES OUT ALL THAT REPRESENTS UNCONSCIOUSNESS/OLD..... (Every moment technically is, yet each dimension experiences "linear time" differently... so months/years don't technically matter, as these are human creation too..... so ENERGETICALLY... this PHASE replaces this "time"... VIBRATIONAL EXPERIENCES replace "time".... or when.... everything is NOW.... the planetary cycles tell us what is going to be focused on.... relationships, foundational structures and beliefs...they tell us which planet rules what, so we know what to be aware of as it presents within us and/or our external reality too.... they tell us what ENERGIES can emerge, yet this is relative to density and light too.... Everything is.
WE have INCREASING Galactic presence, SOULar presence, Planetary Alignment Presence which GOVERNS our presence here. As each's Cosmos activates inside, then WE become THIS PRESENCE.... here.
SEPTEMBER IS BUT A WORD to explain cosmic/planetary/photonic "times" that are now occurring on a more powerful scale than ever before. Let go of the "fear" and see what each represents for your FOCUS, your dedicated Energy, your own priorities... and "HOW" you spend your energy, contribute your energy, reserve and build your energy, regenerate your energy, replenish your Energy (Body) and you'll SEE how every moment/month/year is now going to INCREASE AND ACCELERATE what you hold as Light here. It's going to activate/increase your Light, in your DNA body, within Gaia and Atmospherically too. More bio-electrical impulses, more photonic experiences, more re-writing REALity...... offer more for those truly ready... and unite more truly open to sharing, contributing, participating consciously in creating/building/uniting/BEing OUR NEW EARTH.... here.
I love you.... inJOY the magic inside and outside too.... honor your body's processes, clear your field of distortions, choose to tune to everything of the highest vibration possible... for easier shifting/tuning processes to occur. ♥
Your NEW Earth Experience is based upon your own generosity, your own gratitude and appreciation, your own deep inner connection, your own inner-power-courage-love, your own "breaking the cycles", your own refusal to accept the old as your reality anymore, your own ENERGY.... as what you project out/transmit out.... creates your own VIBRATIONAL FEEDBACK for what you experience here. A part of having pre-cogitative abilities (we all do) means you observe your own vibration and then look at what you are creating to experience here. You get a choice, if you are fully conscious.... choose your VIBRATION... the rest, well.... relative to each of our own consciousness here.
Let's do this awesomeness..... as it's as abound as much as you/we all create and allow! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ángeles de Crystal