
viernes, septiembre 28, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Living Your NEW Earth Lives with Pure Exuberance & JOY - 9/27/2018

Look at what you've CREATED

It's time for you to LIVE the REWARDS

A RETURN on your own Contributions

To IN-JOY the Gifts that FREEdom from Old Earth brings forth....

You Transcended Judgment, Ego Lack, Separation Programming, Duality you once held

and Your own Karmic/Unconscious Energy from within...

You've ARRIVED in beauty, magnificence and such HEAVEN, where all is simple and a vibrational MATCH to how you live your whole life here....

A Vibrational Match to your own Divinity, Sovereignty, Purity and Consciousness Embodiment

Where Living a Life of Purity and Service is SIMPLE

At first, for years...

No, it wasn't easy

Because you had to Learn (Remember) how all works on a Universal/Cosmic/Quantum Level

Transcending the Ego (Constructs) never is

Yet it doesn't have to be so hard

Because each truly does have a CHOICE (infinite ones)

This Journey of Awakening and Ascending is each constantly CHOOSING to Exercise this....

Living highest aligned realities was challenging for many years

Because you were going "against" what everyone once believed

Because you refused to fit into the boxes and limits each kept insisting were "true" and real

Because you knew better and you listened, honored and held the NEW FULLY FROM WITHIN

Because you had to REVERSE EVERYTHING and recreate all fully aligned with NEW Earth...

Living a life in Service

To HUmaNITY, Gaia and as Star-Light Families here

First starts with you, loving yourself and then sharing this LOVE with the entire world

Choosing a life of Full Service is challenging for awhile (dissolve our ego about this)

because "others" don't understand what full dedication requires yet

and because because there are so many in service to their own ego still

You didn't let this stop you though, you HELD YOUR LIGHT and let everyone figure their own realities out for them...

You honored your journey, your higher purposes, your own SOUL agreements

Which is how all aligned so easily

Once you stopped "fighting" your own Universal Higher Self/Soul within you

And embraced the Unknown/new fully....

So all could arrive/materialize easier for you....

You CHOSE... Heaven on Earth

You did the "work" inside

You showed up every day, in-service

for all of HUmanity... because you held LOVE for all as ONE

When the naysayers balked and judged

You didn't listen or care

Because you KNEW there was a NEW EARTH WAITING


NOW, this is your "time"

Vibrationally you've aligned everything in your own life to LOVE

You've said "no" to unconsciousness and you held NEW EARTH IN PLACE

Because this was your ONLY REALITY...

This is where you now fully live...

You stopped trying to convince, save and drag others through kicking and screaming

You stopped worrying about what others were choosing to "do"

You focused all of your own ENERGY

You stopped getting "caught up" in those/their realities

You stopped making "theirs" yours

You let them go their own paths

You focused on holding, creating and actualizing yours

You treat others as Equals, as Sovereign, Fully Capable Divine Manifestos and Alchemists too

Because you can see them for what they truly are

You can read/see energy, their programs, their readiness and their limits and excuses

And you chose what to invest you in and honored what needed to fall away/dissolve

Which is a huge part of this process for all

Returning to an existence forgotten

Where each must anchor NEW EARTH, learn to stabilize and honor their LightBodies fully

Where each will learn to Master all as ENERGY, within themselves and their entire Physical too

Not an easy feat at first

As it's a complete re-working of everything

From fixed-linear to continually shifting/changing non-linear (Quantum)

From the depth of the CORE of your own Soul

Shining Light for all also ready to awaken through choosing consciousness fully too

Your own Pure Source Light emitted with every breath

Light Codes transmitted with every word, action and just through Divine Presence

You finally saw and understood

How Multi-Dimensionality works...


Be the brilliance that you ARE

Keep shining, sharing and WayShowing

Allowing all to continue to "sort itself out"

Keep sharing through abundance, generosity, kindness, compassion and "no more" BS

As the Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Guardians and Avatars that you ARE

Keep opening up for more magic, more ease, more grace, more simplicity and beauty too

And as appropriate, reconnecting with those, already Living and BEing NEW EARTH FULLY TOO!



Welcome to your NEW EARTH LIVES

Where everything is vibrant, communicating, a whole new Value System and alive

Where everything you think and do is visible

Has a purpose and is taken into consideration


To your every thought, to your every action, to your own presence, to your every breath...

An ENERGETIC EARTH that responds VIBRATIONALLY to you....

Where entire dimensions open up when you are truly ready for more "new"...


Your Transmissions...

Your Presence...

Your Contributions...

Your Caring...

Your Kindness...

Your Generosity...

Your own Unified all...


Where the only thing that exists is LOVE

Pure Unity is the only existence you know...

Because you've REMEMBERED

That what you allow becomes your own reality,

So you stopped allowing unconsciousness as an acceptable reality anymore

and Transcended the "old" fully yourself. ♥

Now more can unite/connect, because you finally vibrated into the dimensions

Where others reflect your purity back easily, simply and because they are a vibrational match to you....

Just through PRESENCE....

The rest emanates from this. ♥

(p.s. if you go unconscious, this will be reflected back LOUD or strongly, for you to see/dissolve/resolve your self)

With love, kindness, gratitude and peace,

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼


p.s. Only your human aspect needs "permission" to "do" this... You as your highest version of you already are/do. Live your most brilliant LIFE. You deserve it. You worked for it. Let your magical life continually support your fulfilling your much higher service roles here. ♥